twenty three

683 30 9

Still, I'm on your mind.

Sitting all curled up in the corner of the dance practice room, Helena is busy typing on her laptop. The music blaring through the speakers, the squeaking noise coming from the shoes of the dancers everytime it comes sliding in contact of the polished floor, and the numerous counts and huffs never distracted Helena on what she is doing.

After a good half an hour of practice, the dancers decided to take a break. Eric, whom Helena's childhood buddy, ran up to the girl by the corner and sat right at the end of her feet.

"Aren't you distracted on what you're working right there?" Eric asks despite him panting.

"Nope," Helena responded with a smile. "I don't know why I am comfortable working here either."

"You're weird," Eric chuckles before drinking on his water bottle.

Not long after, Hyunjun joined, occupying the space on Helena's right. "Bae still not done on her fantasies," he spoke before letting out a small laugh.

"Shut up," Helena grumbles, still typing on her laptop. "Mind your own business, Hyunjun."

"Sure thing," Hyunjun breathed out before resting his head on Helena's lap right behind where her laptop is. He then faced Eric. "Youngjae, have you heard of that new guy joining our team?"

Eric's face immediately brightened at the thought. "I heard he's really good at dancing and has sharp visuals."

"Much better than mine?"

"Ew, Hyunjun. You need some help."

The two boys continued talking throughout their break time. Few minutes passed by, Hyunjun sat up again and read what Helena is typing.

"By the time that Juyeon got inside the car, he pinned— Hey! I wasn't done reading yet!" Hyunjun complained when Helena immediately closed her laptop.

"You shouldn't have read it that loud!"

"Juyeon what? Pinned her on the car seat?" Eric laughed before receiving a kick from Helena.

"That's entitled 'slasher', right?" asked Hyunjun, in which Helena nodded with her eyes still glaring on the two boys.

Truth be told, she loves writing fictions, reason why her work 'slasher' was created. It was something about her being a daughter of one of the powerful men on the underground business that happened to stumble upon a gentleman that is known as the slasher of his own group.

And that man is Lee Juyeon.

This was one of her favorite works by herself. Sometimes, she'd think of 'what if Lee Juyeon definitely existed in real life?'. If you ask Helena, that would be great.

"Is that one nearly finished?"

Helena snapped back to reality when she heard Eric's voice. "Huh? What was that?"

"He's definitely imagining about Lee Juyeon," Hyunjun teases. "Eric asked if you are nearly done with that one you are currently working."

"Yeah, but you guys interrupted mea and took my focus away," she hissed.

"Are we in there?" Eric excitedly asked.

Helena rapidly shook her head. "I don't include losers here," she tells the boy.

That's where the two of them started to bicker. While Helena is distracted, Hyunjun carefully took her laptop that is resting on her lap. Good thing that she did not notice it. Her and Eric then started to wander around the dance practice room.

Hyunjun opened her laptop and read some chapters of her work. One thing that caught his attention is, he is included on the characters. In that fictional work, he is her best friend and he admires her secretly─well, which is definitely a fact in reality.

"Damn, I still don't have the guts to confess to her even on this story," Hyunjun chuckles before moving on to the next chapters.

"How you doing there, mate?" Lee Felix greets Hyunjun as he sat beside him. "Isn't that Helena's laptop?" he asks with such strong accent.

"Mhmm," Hyunjun hums, still browsing through the chapters on the laptop. "Are starting in a bit?" he asks the latter.

"Still waiting for that new team member of ours," spoke Felix.

Closing the laptop, Hyunjun looked at the male on his side. "That guy will be introduced to us today? I didn't know that."

"You probably did not hear that Changmin said it earlier."

Hyunjun only shrugged his shoulders and rested the laptop on the floor as he stood up. "Will he arrive at any minute now?"

"Probably," said Felix.

"Hyunjun! Where's my laptop?" Helena asks the male as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Right there."

Immediately, Helena sat down on the floor once again and continued working on what she was doing earlier.

Just as their practice was about to start, a knock on the door of the room was heard. The boys stopped on their tracks with their eyes fixed on the door. Helena remained unfazed as she is too focused on what she's doing.

The door finally opened, revealing a guy that is unfamiliar among others. He has a flustered face due to the stares of the other male at him.

"Oh, you finally came! Just in time for us to start practicing again!" Changmin exclaimed enthusiastically as he guided the new guy to the center, letting him face the rest. "Everyone, he is the new member of our team," he tells the others before gesturing the new guy to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone," the shy male spoke. "I am glad that I was chosen to be a member of this team and I hope we all get along. My name is Lee Juyeon, nice to meet you all."

Helena froze at what she heard, also Eric and Hyunjun. The other boys already welcomed Juyeon and introduced themselves to him, but the three remained still.

Hyunjun jogged towards Helena and tried to make her face him. "That Lee Juyeon on your work isn't a real person right?" he asks the girl.

"He isn't," Helena spoke with a shaky voice. "He's just a product of my imaginative mind, Hyunjun. He isn't real."

"Then, look at that new guy and tell me immediately if he exactly looks the same as the one in your work."

Slowly, Helena fixed her gaze on the new guy and her heart dropped. Hyunjun knew what the expression on Helena's face meant and it doesn't deny the truth.

"He exactly looks like him," Helena mouthed out softly with her eyes still on Juyeon.

At that moment, Lee Juyeon met her gaze and gave her a smile while waving his hand a little. It made Helena blink, waving back to Juyeon in order not to be rude. But the truth is, she is glad that one of her fantasies made it to reality.


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