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It's not right to start worrying about the end and there ain't no answer.

"Are you sure that we can trust Mr. Kim's daughter?" Hyunjae asks his allies in a serious manner.

The boys all looked at him, battling on whether to answer their leader's answer or not. There was a thick silence around the room, even their breathings could be heard.

"She is trustworthy," spoke Hyunjun, finally breaking the silence. "We have been friends for a long time and I know her too well. She has never engaged herself on the wrong doings of his own father, the reason why she is living with her mother just to protect themselves from Mr. Kim."

Silence engulfed them once again. That was the time when Sunwoo also spoke on how they should trust Helena, along with Eric who also knows the young lady.

"I'll take the punishment if she does something out of the line."

Everyone's eyes fell on Juyeon when those words rolled off of his tongue. He sounded so serious about it.

"Well, she wouldn't do something like that, but I'll take responsibility if ever," he finishes.

Hyunjae raised an eyebrow, but shook his head after. "What can I even do," he breathed out. "Just make sure she doesn't get in between our future plans."

With that, their leader stood up and casually walked away, simply indicating that their brief meeting is now adjourned.

"Y'all know what," Eric began. "The events are getting more interesting already." He then stood up from his seat and let his body weight to rest on Sunwoo's lap as he sat on the latter.

Sunwoo then snickered, making Hyunjun to crease an eyebrow with his sharp eyes laid on Sunwoo's puppy ones. The way Hyunjun's eyes stare on Sunwoo sent a chill to travel down the latter's spine. That's when Sunwoo realized that Eric was sitting on his lap.

"Geez, get off!" screamed Sunwoo as he pushed the younger boy off of him.

Eric's face almost landed flat on the long wooden table in front of their seats. Luckily for the young boy, Juyeon has quick reflexes. He held out his large hand, enough for Eric's forehead to land on it and preventing the younger boy's face to lay flat onto the table.

"I hate y'all, for real," Eric grumbled, stomping his feet harshly on the floor while heading to his place inside their lair.

After that, all of them left the meeting room. Most of them headed to their own rooms, finally ending today's work and be ready for what would come by tomorrow.

Well, as for Juyeon, he is far from sleeping. While heading to his own room, he called Helena and asked if he could stay the night at her house. Of course, Helena would never say no to Juyeon.

Now, the lad is driving on his way to Helena's home. Well, actually, Juyeon has something to ask on Helena. Is it important? Very much.

The car came on a halt as Juyeon stepped on the brakes, pulling over in front of the house. He saw Helena sitting on the front porch, already waiting for him. She them stood up, walking towards the gate as she opened them for Juyeon's car to enter.

"Kinda odd for you to visit me─especially at this hour," Helena commented as Juyeon got out from the driver's seat. "Bet, you have something to tell me again."

"True," Juyeon admits with a sheepish smile. "Shall we go inside and talk about it?"

"Sure thing," Helena smiled as she led the way inside the house, straight heading towards her bedroom.

This was the first time that Juyeon got a full view of Helena's bedroom. He could only see a little bit of view of Helena's room by the window outside everytime he would pick her up or drive her home. But now, he got his eyes on it.

"I love how organized your room is," Juyeon stated out of the blue. "It is pretty calming in here."

"As it should be," said Helena. "Having my things messed up clearly annoys me. I want them to be proper and in order."

Juyeon only hummed in response as he still looked around Helena's room. There's nothing much inside, just plenty of books and papers on one side.

"Babe, come here," Juyeon called out to Helena while motioning for her to approach him. "I need to ask you some questions."

Helena obliged, walking towards Juyeon with a slight confused expression drawn on her face. When the young lady was close enough, he gently grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him, leaving no space in between their bodies.

"What do you think of me?"

Juyeon's question only echoed on Helena's mind. She could not think straight because of how close their faces are to each other. That made Juyeon to let out a raspy chuckle.

"Do you want to pass? Should I proceed to the next one?" asked Juyeon.

"You are a nice person," Helena finally answered.

"That's all?"

"I guess so?" Helena pondered. "I don't know. I still want to say much, but my tongue won't let me speak it out."

"I see," spoke Juyeon, inching his face much closer to Helena with their lips almost touching. "How much do you like me then?"

Damn, Helena never expected for him to ask that. She literally got tongue-tied even though she could answer it immediately.

"Cat got your tongue?" Juyeon chortles as he brushed the tip of his nose against hers. "You better answer quick because I still have one last question to ask you."

Swallowing the lump on her throat, she tried her best to not stutter. "A lot," she spoke, almost sounding like a whisper. "I like you a lot."

Those words made Juyeon to let out a genuine smile of his, but it immediately turned into a playful one. "Well, I don't like you that much, babe."

That was deep for Helena to take. Why is he suddenly speaking like that?

"Have I told you how much I love you? Bet, I did not."

The way how Juyeon speak such things out of the blue is definitely making Helena feel such things─especially when he shows his damn teasing facial expressions.

"I love you to the fact that I do not know how much or how deep I am in love with you," Juyeon tells her with his eyes closed. "Shall we proceed to the last question?" he asked as if he said nothing before that.

He then opened his eyes, staring deeply on Helena's orbs with their lips still almost touching each other. Helena nodded slowly, careful on not to make their lips touch.

"Helena Kim, will you be my girlfriend?"

They could feel each others' heart pounding against their chest. Juyeon was nervous, and Helena was stunned and confused at the same time.

"Forget the shit that we agreed about. I was a jerk for forcing you to date me," said Juyeon, obviously frustrated at himself. "I need an honest answer, please."

Juyeon's grip on Helena's waist tightened as he waited for her response. He could not think straight out of the nervousness inside him, scared on what Helena's answer would be.

"I am officially Lee Juyeon's girlfriend starting tonight," said Helena with a smile.

With that, Juyeon finally closed the gap on their faces as he cupped Helena's cheeks with both hands and devoured her lips. The kiss was a seal of them being officially together.

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