twenty one

665 31 1

Light it up on this dark room and keep me in your memory.

"What piece is next?" Helena asks Jehwan. The little boy is seated on her lap while building up his lego house with the pieces laid on the floor.

Sitting on his bed comfortably, Hyunjun observed the two since they started building the lego house half an hour ago. "How much time will it take for you two to complete that?" he asks them.

Helena shrugged her shoulders before saying, "Probably two to four hours, depending on our speed."

"Quite long," mumbled Hyunjun. "Maybe I should play some computer games with Eric and Sunwoo."

"Hmm, go on," Helena hummed with her eyes fixated on Jehwan. "You have five computers right there," she said, pointing at the five computers across the room."

"Don't be too noisy while playing games, uncle Hyunjun," Jehwan told the Hyunjun, making the elder chuckle.

"You must tell uncle Eric about that," Hyunjun spoke to Jehwan before leaving the room to call the two other boys.

"Uncle Eric is really talkative," Jehwan grumbled while picking up a piece of lego. "His voice is also very loud most of the time."

Chuckling at Jehwan's comment, Helena could not agree more. "Eric became well-known in our highschool because of that," Helena tells the little boy. "He is also very athletic, adding a little pile to his fame in our school."

"Then, you must be famous too," Jehwan spoke with his eyes never leaving the lego pieces laid on the floor.

"Not really," Helena chortles. "Just a little bit," she added.

The three young men suddenly came in the room and took their seats in front of their decided computers. While waiting for the devices to start, Eric looked back to Jehwan and Helena behind them.

"Yo, building a lego house? Cool," Eric grins while putting on his headphones. "I wanna try that some time," he spoke before turning to face the computer in front of him.

"Please be quiet when you are playing," Jehwan tells the three young men facing the computers.

"Roger that," spoke Hyunjun just as before they started their game.

Well, they were quiet on the first few minutes. After some moment, Eric started to complain in a whisper, grumbling on why Sunwoo isn't helping him on the game. That's where their talking noises started, but Jehwan did not mind them as he is feeling sleepy already.

"You can sleep if you want to," Helena tells the little boy. That was Jehwan's cue to turn and face Helena before wrapping both of his short arms around her shoulders. His head then laid to where Helena's neck and shoulder meet, letting himself to drift off to sleep.

Carrying the little boy on her arms, Helena tucked Jehwan on Hyunjun's bed. She watched Jehwan with a smile on her lips before her eyes landed on Hyunjun who just stood up from his seat.

"Can I have a word with you?" Hyunjun abruptly asks Helena, making the lady to furrow her eyebrows.

"So sudden, but alright," Helena shrugs. "Is it okay if we leave Jehwan with those two?" she asked after, pointing towards Sunwoo and Eric.

"I think you forgot that Jehwan is my nephew," Sunwoo tells Helena with his eyes still glued on the computer screen. "I'll definitely shut Eric's mouth in an instant."

Eric then grinned beside the latter. "By kissing me? Sure thing, Kim Sunwoo."

"We'll be back in a few," Hyunjun tells the two boys before gesturing for Helena to come with him.

They both exited the room, and Hyunjun led the way up to the rooftop of their lair. After making sure that no one is around the rooftop, Hyunjun made his way on the side where the city nearby could be seen below the view. Helena stood beside him, waiting for what he's about to say.

"You know," Hyunjun began. "I was thinking of this for some time already. I just can't tell you."

"What is it?"

Hyunjun bit his lower lip, eyes not leaving the view of the city underneath. He then took a deep breath and looked at the lady, ready to speak, but Helena did first.

"Are you finally going to confess?"

Taken aback at the sudden question, Hyunjun took one step backward. He could not think straight at the moment with the question ringing inside his head.

"What?" Hyunjun could only blurt out as he was unable to say anything else.

A brief moment of silence existed before Helena bursted out laughing and started to hit Hyunjun lightly on his chest.

"I was just kidding!" Helena laughs before looking serious. "What was that you are about to say?"

"Nah, I don't have any."

"You have."

"I am not gonna say it because you already ruined the mood."

Helena then frowned and pursued Hyunjun to say what he wanted to tell her. Couple of minutes were wasted before Hyunjun finally gave up.

"This is so random, but it is about your father," Hyunjun finally spoke.

"What about him?"

"I was just having some thought on should we report your father to the police or whatever high authority it may be," said Hyunjun. "I am just suggesting. Please, do not take it so deep."

"We can't," Helena frowns. "I've tried doing that, but nothing worked out. He is just so clean on doing his own things, not leaving a single trace nor clue."

Hyunjun then let out a faint chuckle. "Well, your father is smart," he began. "But, your boyfriend is much smarter."

Once again, Helena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Why is Juyeon suddenly mentioned?

"Remember that time when Juyeon tried to save your mom from your ruthless father? He has something with him."

"What is it?"

"A hidden camera on his body."

Helena was slaw-jacked, mouth opened slightly. "And he didn't even told me about that?"

"Trauma," Hyunjun briefly responded. "His mother was killed in the same way, right in front of his eyes when he was still little."

The informations were too much for Helena to process. She definitely has to know more on Juyeon.

"That was the reason on why he is the slasher of this family that we have," Hyunjun spoke in a soft voice. "I can still remember clearly, he has no mercy on killing every bad people that we have to eliminate. One thing is that, he is not reckless and knows his limits. He's fucking cool."

"I could tell how nice he is," said Helena. "He is just keeping the real him behind his bad agenda."

Hyunjun let out a chuckle before saying, "Have a word with him and tell him what I told you. Well, only if you want to put your father behind those metal bars."

"Won't you guys get caught too?" asked Helena. "I mean, you kill and steal."

"Pretty," Hyunjun breathed out. "We do steal for the show and we kill for justice and law."

"And what are you trying to say?"

"Shush your mouth about this, but we have been working for the government for over a week now. Much cooler than what a police and a spy can do."

"Y'all are full of surprises," Helena grumbles, earning a chuckle from Hyunjun.

They talked more for a while and got lost track of the time. As the best pals in highschool, they really have more to talk about. Well, not until a voice from a newly arrived person on the rooftop interrupted them.

"Babe? Are you up here?" Juyeon called out. "I'll choke the shit out of Kim Sunwoo if you're not around here in the building. He must've played with me again."

Both Hyunjun and Helena laughed, seeing how funny Juyeon's face is right now.

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