“I’m really sorry to be disturbing you like this Matt.”

    “Don’t worry about it, you’re not disturbing me at all. It makes me feel better to know you’re safe.”

    I sighed.

    “I guess. But I will do my best to not impede on your life. I’ll help cook and stuff, but I won’t even like, really be here. I’ll be a ghost.” 

    “Ooooooh, scary.” Matt chuckled.

    I laughed too. I loved hearing him laugh. It was a quiet sound, but it meant that he was happy. That’s all that mattered to me.

    “I’ll go get the rest of my stuff; I didn’t pack much. Where do you want me to put it?”

    “It can all go in the bedroom. I’ll get it set up for you while you get the rest of your stuff.”

    “Damn, I feel bad taking your bedroom, Matt. I can take the couch instead.”

    “Don’t bother, previous guests have told me it’s not that comfortable.”

    “Well, you shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch either then!” I refuted, crossing my arms.

    He smiled and looked away for a moment.

    “I appreciate you caring about me, but you’re taking the bed, alright? No more cute little arguments.”   

    Now it was my turn to smile and look down. I was flustered. That was new.

    Matt had left some time in my blushy daze to go get the room together for me. I realized he was gone and I got my items from the door. This was like living in one of those middle-aged women’s romance novels, it was insane. I’m living with a man I like, albeit temporarily. That made me giggle like a teenage girl. If I wasn’t standing, I’d be kicking my feet. What a nightmare.

    “Enjoying yourself there?” Matt asked, watching me from the doorway.

    “Jeez, Matt. How quiet are you? And you weren’t meant to see that.” I responded, sitting down on his couch dramatically.

    He smiled and came to sit down next to me.

    “Do you want to order food?” He asked.

    “I don’t know. Not super hungry right now. But you can if you want.” I responded.

    This was nice. We never got time alone with each other, usually either Foggy or Karen were there. It was quiet, aside from the rain tapping on the window. I couldn’t help but scoot a little closer to him; I was comfortable. We didn’t talk for a minute, we just sat there, enjoying the silence. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder without thinking. 

“Aww. You seem a little tired.” He jolted me out of my thoughts and I lifted my head off his shoulder quickly.

“I am so sorry Matt, I think I got too comfortable.” I apologized.

“I uh… I think I should go to bed or something. Sorry.”

I fucked up. This guy was my coworker, I should not be living out my romance novel dream with him! Get a grip, Sasha. I got up quickly and began to walk to the bedroom.

“Wait.” Matt touched my hand. “Don’t go yet.”

He was looking down, like he was ashamed to even say anything. I had never seen him this vulnerable; this childlike.  He stood up and walked towards me to lean against the wall where I stood, arms crossed.

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