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“You need any help with that?” Foggy asked, moving his paperwork into boxes.

    “No, I’m good. Thanks though.” I replied, moving my fake plant decorations into boxes as well.

    We were packing up to leave. Well, me and Foggy anyway. Karen was somewhere else. I think she picked up a job at the newspaper company Phoebe works at, coincidentally. The main point was that we were moving on. The trial was over. It was done. Nelson and Murdock were no longer. There was nowhere for me to go. I might try working at my cousin’s restaurant or something. I didn’t think I could face Matt anymore. 

    Speak of the devil and he will appear, literally.

    Matt walked in as Foggy finished packing his boxes. 

    “Hey.” Matt spoke.

    “You’re hurt.” Foggy replied.

    “What makes you say that?” Matt deadpanned.

    “Come in. We need to talk.” Foggy put the last lid on his box and Matt looked over at me but Foggy pulled him into his office.

    I threw my body onto the chair and sighed heavily. I looked up and started to quietly cry.

    “God, if you’re supposed to give us what we deserve, why are you making us all suffer?” I whispered.

    “I’ve lost what was left of my faith in you. We don’t deserve this. We didn’t do anything to deserve this. This is all your fault. I can’t trust anyone anymore.” I was speaking clearly now. 

    “If you’re so supposedly fair, why the hell are you making everyone suffer? Why are you bringing an onslaught of horrors upon us? Why? Why, God, Why?” I was sobbing loudly, and fell on the floor.

    Matt finally left Foggy’s office and rushed over to me.

    “Sasha!” He ran over, concerned.

    “I’m done, Matt. I’m tired. I don’t belong anywhere. I can’t stay here.”

    “Sasha. Don’t say that. Don’t mean what I think you mean. You belong here. You can stay with me-”

    “That’s not what I need.” I interrupted. “I can’t just keep throwing myself into your world. I’m not Elektra. I can’t help you. And now this case…” I trailed off.

“I don’t belong anywhere, and I never will. I’m leaving.” 

    “Sasha, Elektra’s gone. She left on a plane to Paris. No one stayed.”

    I shook my head.

    “Don’t do that, Matt. Don’t make me pity you.” I hissed.

    He looked away, then looked behind him as Foggy gave him one last look of bittersweet goodbyes.

    I slowly got up and Matt extended his hand to help me up. I didn’t take it. 

    “Give me one good reason to come back to you, Matt.” I mumbled, facing away from him.

    He was silent.

    I began to walk away before Matt spoke again.

    “I love you.” 

    I froze.

    “I care about you, Sasha. I mean it. You mean so, so much to me. I want to show you how much you mean to me. So please…” He trailed off, taking off his glasses and looking up at me with pleading, sightless eyes.

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