I fell asleep sometime around 12:00 a.m. I tried so hard to stay awake. I was really  worried about him, but I figured that he’d get home when he got home and I’d deal with him later.
Around 1 or 2 A.M. I heard the door open, and I got out of bed quickly to assess the damage that had been done. Luckily, he came back less injured than I’d thought he would. 

“Welcome back.” I mumbled, still half asleep.

He groaned, taking off his helmet and caressing his side. Great. Another stitch ripped.

“So, what happened this time?” I asked, walking over to get the first aid kit. 

“I met the Punisher.”

I froze.

“Is this what you’ve been chasing all this time? You could die, Matt! He's a dangerous man.” I whipped my head around to look at him in horror.

“That won’t be a problem anymore.” he replied, staring blankly at the wall as usual.

“I thought you didn’t kill anyone.” I snapped.

“I don’t. I left him for the police. He told me he was done.”
My eyes widened. 

“What?” I gasped.

He shrugged.

“He told me about himself." He paused. "He had a family.”

“Had?” I asked.

“Yeah. They were murdered, all at one time.”

I stopped stitching him up for a second. I could not imagine losing everything all at once like that. Then again, there were many people who lost everything in such a quick amount of time. Matt lost his vision in a freak accident, Karen lost her job because of an accident, the list goes on. Matt lost everything too. He lost his vision, his father, and his innocence. That boy grew up too fast. He’d been through so much, I wanted to hear his stories. I wanted to help him heal. 

I finished patching him up and I let my mind wander as we sat there. I found myself mindlessly tracing his scars, making up stories in my head as to how he got them. 

“You enjoying yourself there?” He asked, with a grin.

I stopped, blushed and looked away. I knew he could hear my heartbeat. 

“You didn’t answer my question.” He chuckled. “Cutie.”

My heart was racing a mile a minute. Why was I so affected by the smallest things he said to me?

“Take a shower. We should go to bed.” I mumbled. 

“Yes ma’am.” He replied. “Also, what do you mean by ‘we’?”

“Enough with you, Murdock.”

“Yes ma’am.” 

I stayed up for a little while, waiting for him to finish showering. To this day, that was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 

I heard the shower turn off and the door opened soon after. My eyes were greeted with a shirtless Matt; beads of water rolling off his toned upper body like the morning dew, inky strands of hair draped across his forehead that framed his face like a renaissance painting, muscles rippling throughout his body with every move, with only a towel wrapped around his hips, exposing the trail of hair that led downwards which was left to my imagination.

I could not pull my eyes away from the specimen of a man in front of me. I’d seen him shirtless before when I was bandaging him, but this was worlds different somehow. He had me winded, and my heart was racing on a level only Nascar can compete with. And I knew he could hear it. But this time, I wanted him to know.

I wanted him to feel how hard my heart beat through my chest, hear how my breath hitched when he looked at me the way he did, feel the heat that formed in my cheeks when he walked closer to me, and especially the heat that pooled in my lower stomach when he gently held my chin to kiss me, and slid his hand down to my neck. I wanted to let him know how much I wanted him without having to say a single word. And I think he knew. 

A chuckle escaped his lips and he pulled away.

“Don’t you think I should dry off first?” He whispered in that husky voice I love.

“Why don’t you make something else wet instead?” I teased, blushing.

He smirked and placed his hand on my thigh.

“That’s a good girl.” He purred.

I woke up the next morning, and I wasn’t alone in bed. I smiled, feeling the warmth of Matt’s body next to mine, and slowly began to get out of bed. I tried not to wake him, though I knew he was already awake.

“Good morning, handsome.” I giggled.

He groaned and slowly rose out of bed. 

I started to get dressed and we shared a comfortable silence as he did too.

“You’re perfect, you know that?” He blurted out suddenly.
“How so?” I asked, smiling.

He walked closer to me and placed his hands on my waist and slid them down to my hips.

“Every inch of your body is perfect, and your voice doesn’t grate on my ears like other sounds. And you’re beautiful. Inside and out.”

His touch made me shiver, but his warmth made my heart melt. 

We stayed there for a while, holding each other in the morning light until we decided it was time to go to work.

When we arrived at the office, Foggy practically opened the door before we got in. 

“Took you two long enough! Have you seen the news?” He asked frantically.

“I can’t see, Foggy.” Matt joked.

“I’m being serious Matt. Sasha, look.” He handed a newspaper over to me. “They found the Punisher.”

I read carefully, and noticed the name under the headline. Frank Castle. Phoebe said her neighbor was named Frank, but this had to be a coincidence, right? I grabbed the paper from Foggy and read further. 

20th street and 50th avenue. That was her apartment complex.

I dropped the newspaper and got my phone out of my purse.
“I need to go.” I muttered.

“Wait, Sasha, you just got here-” Foggy began.
“I need to go, Foggy.” 

I took one last look at Matt, and I knew he knew.
“Stay safe, Sasha.” He whispered.

I nodded, left the building and waved to the nearest cab to take me to 20th street and 50th avenue.

I prayed she was okay, but I needed answers.

This chapter is a whirlwind of emotions 💀💀💀 n e ways hope u enjoy

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