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"What are you doing awake?" The snail with golden eyes and blonde messy hair stared at her. "It's the early morning, I assumed Alfred had forbidden any movement from you."

"He has, I just wanted to call you. Did I call at a bad time?"

"No... I was going to come anyways."

"Oh?" The surprise in his voice was clearer than glass. "Why?"

"Well, I-" The tips of the captains ears burned a bright shade of pink. "I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Okay, then open the door."

In confusion, Masayoshi was about to question him when she slammed the den-den mushi shut and rushed down the stairs of her large house, the door swinging open as she pushed against it and stared at the boy in shock. 

As soon as he looked up at her, eyes crinkling and a sheepish giggle sounding as he grinned a toothy grin, her shoulders relaxed. Only to tense once more when he fell forwards, thankfully she got to him in time and shifted him so that she was carrying the blonde in her arms.

"I'm taking you back."

"No," He frowned, "it's dark back there. Can I please stay with you?" 

With the way his tired eyes bore into her own, denying was quite difficult. She blinked slowly before shifting her hold on him and walking into the large house, glaring at one of the servants and daring him to mention what had just happened, the middle aged man looked away and continued his duties, satisfying her. 

William softly closed his eyes, finding the way she held him so tightly and securely, comforting and soothing. He hadn't been able to fall asleep for awhile now, but he thinks he'll get a nice rest tonight knowing she's close to him.

Masayoshi didn't halt in her pace towards the guest room but she did keep an eye on him when his aura seemed to shift into more of a calm one, like something was soothing him to sleep. 

She tried to figure out why and hoped whatever was working would continue to do so as she placed him on the bed gently, cradling his head with one hand to ensure that it didn't slam on the large mattress. However, as soon as she had released him his eyes slowly opened and they stared at each other.

Her voice a mere whisper, she spoke. "I'll stay."

And he smiled, eyes crinkling that same way they always did. Her hand shot out, clasping his palm and intertwining their fingers until the uneasy aura began to slowly calm. 

When soft breaths puffed in the air and the steady pumping of his heart registered in her ears, she slowly slid out of his grip and tossed her coat onto a nearby chair. Stepping out of the room, she called forth one of the servants and quietly spoke.

"Prepare breakfast for two, in the morning."

The man nodded, this time he was younger. "May I ask for whom?"

"No," She frowned, "I'm just feeling more hungry than usual. And make sure all the staff stay out of my room and the guest room."

Obviously, she had a guest, but it was just an indirect way of telling him to leave it alone. Perhaps it was... what did Benn call it? Ah, sarcasm.

Thankfully, he seemed to get the message. His aura had even shifted a little into the fearful side."I'll send the orders right away, captain."

Instead of answering, she turned around and walked back into the guest room. A cushioned seat was where she would choose to sleep for the night, perhaps it wasn't the greatest for her back or neck but it would do for now. 

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