Chapter 1

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Morning came and Nayeon woke up, not because of the birds chirping outside their window, but because of the weight on her left arm. She slowly opened her eyes and there she saw Jeongyeon snuggling on her chest, sound asleep. The older girl slowly turned to face the latter, too careful not to wake her up.

A good morning, indeed. Nayeon thought as she stared at Jeongyeon. I'm still sleepy. Might just stay like this for a little longer. She then nuzzled her nose on the top of Jeongyeon's head and closed her eyes as she tried to drift into her dreamland again. Keyword: tried.

She leaned back a little and adjusted her position to level Jeongyeon and make herself comfortable, but failed to go back to sleep.  How can she get back to sleep when she was constantly peeking her eyes just to stare at the sleeping Jeongyeon?

"Well, I can't go back to sleep." She turned to Jeongyeon and smiled. Even though every morning she gets to stare at Jeongyeon peacefully sleeping, she still doesn't get tired. How she wished she would wake up with this view every day forever.

Nayeon slowly moved her free hand to gently caress Jeongyeon's hair when the latter suddenly groaned. She chuckled and proceeded to poke the younger girl's nose, but she froze when Jeongyeon snuggled deeper into her neck, sniffing in the process. The older girl's heartbeat rose instantly and out of nervousness, she immediately closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Jeongyeon opened her eyes a few moments after that. She looked up to the older girl, who was obviously pretending to be asleep, before she rose up from their bed. She proceeded to go out of their room and headed to the bathroom.

Nayeon sprung up from the bed once Jeongyeon was out of their room and ran after her. She found the younger girl at the bathroom holding her toothbrush. "Good morning, Jeongyeon-ah!" She beamed.

"Good morning, unnie." Jeongyeon turned to her and Nayeon continued to grin. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Yeah." Nayeon replied. She didn't lie, tho. There's really something on Jeongyeon's face. "Beauty." She whispered out, but (un)fortunately, Jeongyeon didn't hear her.

"Really?" Jeongyeon turned to the mirror to check her face, but she found nothing. "Are you kidding me?"

"I-I mean, no, nothing!" The older girl defended and shakily grabbed her toothbrush. Jeongyeon shrugged it off and continued her business.

Their parents' marriage had them become sisters. But after their excursion a few days ago at their school trip, Nayeon and Jeongyeon started dating. Well, 'dating'. Thought they're not really doing something like lovers do, but even so, for Nayeon, it's just the first step for them to become real lovers. And she felt amazing.


"Hey, Jeongyeon-ah." She called as they walked on their way to the academy. "The new semester is coming and I want to change my appearance a little." She showed Jeongyeon her phone. "Which ribbon do you think is better? The sky blue one or the purple?" She asked, referring to the ribbons she wanted to buy from an online website.

"Wait, aren't you becoming a fourth year student? You're graduating next year, unnie. Isn't it about that you get started following the academy's dress code? Should I always remind you all the time?" Jeongyeon scolded.

"At a time like this, why do you have to say those things?" Nayeon sulked.

"I'm always reminding you of this." Jeongyeon sighed and glanced at the older girl, who was now busy with her phone.

"But isn't there always a way around it?" Nayeon whined. "I really wanted to wear the ribbon that you would pick..." She mumbled.

"You can't always be treated as an exception." Jeongyeon turned to her and held her shoulder.

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