Chapter 11

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It was finally their summer vacation! The students were enjoying their time not going to school except for a certain girl.

Nayeon was walking to the academy while wearing her usual uniform because she had to take supplementary lessons. She envied her friends who were enjoying their summer break. Momo and Sana quite teased her because of that. She also heard from Jeongyeon that this week, the twins, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, were going to Seoul and spend their summer vacation there, which is also the reason why Tzuyu was ignoring Sana's messages and calls and so is Chaeyoung. She kept it a secret from her friends who were close with the two.

As she walked, she felt the hotness of the sun hitting her skin as beads of sweat started forming from her forehead. She groaned and continued to walk. Although this was a punishment for her mistakes, she felt depressed and annoyed because her summer vacation would be shortened for her to study.

Nayeon finally arrived and was met by a cool breeze from the air conditioner inside the building as she sighed in relief. At least it's cool here inside. If not because of this, I would be enjoying my summer vacation at the pool with Jeongyeon and our friends. She sighed and entered her classroom.

Nayeon expected the classroom to be full of students who were not able to pass their final test, but she only saw one. That student sat in the front row while scribbling on her notebook as she hummed. She noticed Nayeon standing at the door and smiled as she stood up to greet her.

"Hi! You must be Yoo Nayeon, am I right?" The girl squealed as she held out her hand for a handshake. Nayeon blushed when the girl mistook her surname as Jeongyeon's.

"O-oh, um... it's Im. Im Nayeon." She corrected and gladly took the girl's hand and shook it.

"Oh! My bad, Im Nayeon-ssi. I thought you and the president were sisters."

"Ah, yeah. Step sisters, actually. I didn't carry my step father's surname and kept my biological father's. That's why..." Nayeon smiled.

"Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Kim Sejeong. Fourth year student. I didn't graduate yet since I didn't pass a subject, that's why I'm taking supplementary lessons. How about you?" Sejeong beamed as she gestured Nayeon to sit beside her desk.

"I'm Im Nayeon. Third year going fourth. I'm taking supplementary lessons since I missed to take one subject during the final exams."

They continued to talk until the teacher entered their classroom. "Good morning, girls. I'm Miss Jessi and I'm going to be your teacher during your supplementary lessons this summer. As you can see, only the two of you are here because you were the only ones who were not able to pass your subjects and tests. Although you're not in the same year, I decided to give you lessons together since you have the same failed subject, which is Maths. I suggest you girls should try to cope up your lessons within three weeks to enjoy your summer vacation, especially you, Kim Sejeong. You were supposed to graduate, so don't waste this chance, understood?"

"Yes Miss." Nayeon and Sejeong nodded. Sejeong was more pressured because of what Miss Jessi said. Maths were her weakness and she thought she couldn't do anything about it. Nayeon, on the other hand, was nervous as fuck since she didn't expect Miss Jessi to handle them. She's still scared of her.

"Okay, shall we start?"


Nayeon's first day of supplementary lessons ended great. She thought of Miss Jessi as a strict teacher because of how they met when her cellphone got confiscated on her first day in the academy, but unexpectedly, she's nice and chill.

Sejeong and her got along very well, too. She was surprised when the latter brought up about how she find their Vice President beautiful. Nayeon got excited for her new friend and Jihyo to get along. They went home together since Sejeong insisted to her driver to take her home every after their class in exchange for Jihyo's number.

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