i can still smell her perfume [sbi]

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[ tw: death, blood ]

dystopia au

2135 words

the world isn't ending.

that's all he knows.

his blue eyes blink open only to immediatly shut again at the smoke burning them, screams are heard from all around him and crashes are heard everywhere.

but there's also a sort of quiet, the ringing in his ears hushes the world, as if its all a nightmare that he can wake up from soon.

except its not, is it?

his bedroom is half broken, the once-red walls do have a crack down the middle, glass sprayed out all over his floor.

a picture of him and his best friend from a few years ago lies in it, the case as cracked as the wall, straight down the middle of the two. it's almost ironic really, foreshadowing, considering the duo would never see eachother again, never say their last goodbyes.

the loud chug of a plane zooms overhead and his eyes blink open again, furrowing at the ceiling.

he should probably run, right?

tommy doesn't know, he doesn't know what to do. what does someone do when their being bombed? they dont exactly teach this sort of thing in school.

it hits him then, whats happening. he had heard it might. but then it was always if's and maybe's, hushed conversations over the dinner table, adults consipiring in the streets.

this didn't feel like a maybe.

suddenly, the ringing is gone, the nightmare is over. suddenly, its all real. the screams arent from the back of his mind and the plane is most likely murdering his neighbours in cold blood.

the old lady who lives down the road, with her annoying-ass dog and curly grey hair. the man next door, who's always blasting music at two am then baking cookies for them to apologize. his brothers- oh god, oh god his brothers. he has a family, he has a dad, and brothers and..

he needs to find techno, techno will know what to do. techno is a fighter, techno never dies. he'll pull tommy into a hug and bury his face in tommy's hair and whisper "you're okay, let's go to safety", and he will lead him to safety, and he will be safety because its techno.

and will, he should probably find will, and dad. but theyre already safety, yes, they must be. where else would they be? yes, they're already safe, and techno going to come in and bring tommy to safety.

he slips his legs out of the covers and over the side of the bed, feet reaching for his slippers. they must have been blown away, however, as only the cold of his wooden floors is under him as he stands up.

he ignores it, and rushes over to the exit, avoiding the glass as quickly as he can manage. the door clicks open with the same click he had heard so many times.

thinking about it, their used to be a rug right outside his door, and sometimes when he would be really tired in the morning he would trip over it. then will would tease him and techno would snort and phil would roll his eyes with a fond smile.

the rug is gone.

so is alot of the house.

theyre lucky, he supposes, that they live in a bungalow, it would be alot harder for him if he was off the ground. it means that despite the kitchen having a large hole in it and the front door blown off its hinges, he can still make it out relatively easily.

it doesnt mean he heads towards the exit however, he instead heads towards technos room, the closest to the kitchen.

the pinkette had grinned triumphantly when he got it, a rare thing, and said happily how he could get midnight snacks. it also meant whenever tommy would wake up in the night he could easily slip into technos room and the older would be awake. those nights were the best, his usually isolated older brother would welcome him with open arms, he would lay his head on techno's lap and he would read him stories of whatever he was interested in recently, mainly off of the top of his own head.

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