forgot ii [ punz ]

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[ continue of 'forgot' ]


is very ~angst~

1811 words

The deafening splash echoes off of the blackstone walls and I quickly succumb to darkness.

"Forget me, forget me not, forget me, forget me not." I pull the petals off of the daisy gently. A break of a twig sounds in front of me and a familiar blonde came into view. I try to identify his face but it's blurry and I can't see anything.

"Hey YN, what you doing?" the blonde asks. I realise he's a young boy, 12 at most. "Seeing if your going to forget me." I say plainly. I gasp but no sound comes out, I did not say that..

"Forget you?" the blonde asks, "why would I forget you?" my head moves you to look at him, "well everyone else does.. Puffy's always forgetting me because of Foolish and the dream twins.." I frown, "she remembers George more than me!" I shake my head, "I wanna make sure you won't forget me either." what the fucks happening..

The boy scoffs, "I'm not going to forget you, and I don't need a stupid flower to tell me that." I tilt my head slightly in concentration as I continue to pluck the petals, the chant echoing in my brain. "It gives me comfort." I state simply.

He nods and plucks one from the ground, "all right.. I guess I'll do it to then." i smile up at him then continue pulling the petals. "Forget me not!" I grin as I pull the last one off. "I told you so!" the blonde laughs. I roll my eyes, "whatever, your go."

The boy roughly begins tugging the petals, repeating the same chant I had been out loud. Eventually he reaches the last few. "Forget me, forget me not, forget me, forget me, forget... Me.." we both frown at the outcome.

He just scoffs and throws the dead stalk on the ground harshly, "I told you it was fake!" I frown at the aggression, "Punz!"

"I wish I had powers like you!" I smile up at the blurry golden boy currently flying around our garden.

"Well I think your roses are pretty!" I giggle at the blurry girl.

"I'm your mother! You need to listen to me!" the blurry woman screams, "I'm your daughter! You need to listen to me!" I scream back.

He presses a kiss to my forehead, "hey it's not forever!" the dirty blonde reassures. I pout up at the masked man, "ill miss you brother." The non-blurry man smiles, "I'll miss you too baby bear."

"I love you." he whispers, barely an inch away from my lips. "I love you too." I whisper back to the blurry blonde boy, a wide grin obvious on both our faces. "OH MY GOD IS THAT A BABY DUCK?" I interrupt suddenly.

I gasp and sit up, my eyes darting around. People begin to back away except four. Puffy, Punz, Sam and Dream. Dream was stripped of his armour and shackeled in Sam's arms. Puffy and Punz were just gazing at me in confusion.

"Let me go to my sister!!" The masked man pulls against Sam's grasp as he stares down at me wildly. "Dream?" I mumble, my brain still trying to register what was happening. "YN!!" he gasps, "YN I love you I'm so sorry.." and with that he's pulled out of sight and into the crowd.

"What.." I look around frantically finally realising my situation. My tools were out of my grasp and my hand darted to my boot to find my dagger was gone too. "Great.." I whisper.

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