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3 years ago...

Adrien POV:

Today is the day for our freedom all plan is set to execute but we need to act today as any other day in our life.

You guys may be thinking why we need a plan to escape, which is due to our shitty parents who are heartless creatures in the world or I can say in the universe.

They use me as a punch bag and they will whip me with belt and then they use knives to slice my body. These are just the trailors for their abuse. The list goes on like the train of thoughts for them.

It all started when they got addicted to the drugs. At first I was the only victim for their abuse, so that it was not a problem for my brothers. I thought they would be safe. Oh boy, but how I was wrong.

One day when I got back home from my college my heart stopped. The scene was that my parents were passed out in the couch due to high and in the corner my brother liam was covered with bloody bruises and damon was crying is heart out for his brother and tending is wounds.

That was the day I lost my shit and decided to escape from the shit hole with my brothers.

My plan

Step:1 - Tranfer money
Step:2 - Flight tickets
Step:3 - Pack things
Step:4 - Act all day till they pass
Step:5 - Escape

I have already executed the step 1 with the help of my friend Mark and his parents. His father is working in the bank in which my parents have an account. He helped us by transferring all their money to a different account opened for me. And Mark's mother researched for a place for us to migrate. Then with the money, I bought an apartment with single bedroom since we need to save the remaining money to afford for school, college and food.

As for step 2 currently we are in Paris so I booked the flight ticket for all three of us to New york to keep a safe distance from them. Our flight is on thursday at 6 pm usually my parents will be passed out by 4 pm and they recover by 9 pm, so it will be enough time for our escape.

Day before our flight...

It was past midnight, I woke up and packed my clothes from the closet in addition to that I took my passport, toiletries, laptop, mobile phone and certificates from school and college. After packing my things in a suitcase I rolled it to my brothers room. This is the tough part, I didn't explain about our escape. Because they might slip it to our abusive parents without their knowledge. I tiptoed to their bed.

"Liam, Damon wake up" I whispered to them. They stirred in their sleep and I tried one more time and this time they woke up startled. I quickly shushed them to be quiet.

"Both of you go and pack your clothes and necessary items to travel with your certificates from school" I told them. Both of them looked at me like I grown two heads. Idiots.

"Why dude? where are we going?". Liam asked. "Did the monsters said to pack?" said my little brother. (Yeah my little brother calls them as monsters since he witnessed their abuse)

"No, we are going to escape from these monsters tomorrow. I will explain the remaining plan to you. Just for now go and do what I said" I ordered them. They both looked at each other and opened their mouth to ask questions. But they quickly shut it by the look in my face that says 'don't you dare'.

They climbed off their bed and begin to do what I said and by that time I guarded their door to check for any signs of those assholes. It took them half an hour to pack their things.

Then I took their suitcase along with mine to the secret storage which me and my brothers found out during our treasure hunt. And secured them from out of sight for my parents. Then I returned to their room to explain the plan.

They both sat in their bed waiting for me with a free spot between them for me. I sat at that spot and took their hands in mine and said "Tomorrow by 6 pm we will be in our flight to New York". They both looked wide eyed at me with their mouth hung open. I laughed and tapped their jaw to close them.

Then Liam asked "How will we survive in there without money, food and also shelter".

"Don't worry about that I took care of the money and bought a place to stay" I reassured and smiled at them. They returned their own smile and hugged me real tight.

They chanted "Thank you" repeatedly and I told them "we can leave this shitty place now and forever by tomorrow but there is only one problem" my smile faltered at that thought. They looked at me worried and asked what is it.
"We need to act like any other day tomorrow that means we need to tolerate their abuse and avoid any slip ups to them about our plan or else they will get suspicious about us, so can you do that for me?" I asked them.

There eyes welled at that thought and I immediately comforted them my talking sweet nothings to them to which they calmed down and nodded their head for the plan.

So now we wait for tomorrow.....

Thursday (day for our escape)

They use to say that in order to find light we need to cross paths with dark. This day will suit the idiom perfectly. Because my parents didn't allow any of us to go out of the house for school and college since they are organizing a party with their drug dealers and other addicted friends. I began to panic since I thought of this plan when my parents will be alone but today we have bunch of men and women so we need to escape without them noticing.

Me and my brothers were ordered to serve them drinks and food for their guests. Now it was 3 pm, and all of them were being very active and they are in the living room so my plan is going downhill.

Think ad think ad what can be done.....

Suddenly I got an idea, my parents usually store their drug stash in their bed side drawer. I ran upstairs and took their stash to the kitchen and added equal amount to all of their drinks so this can wore them out and they will be passed out. After mixing, I took the glasses and served their so called guests.

My plan is working out one by one all the guest eyes are drooping. So I ran to search for my brothers and found them in wine cellar.

"Go upstairs and get our suitcase" I whispered to them. They climbed the stairs to the secret room. While I book a cab for airport and waiting outside for it to arrive. Soon my brothers came with the suitcase and within 5 minutes the cab arrived. We all climbed and turned to look at the home that has to be filled with love and happiness like any other family but only remained with the bitter memories.

"Go now." I said and the driver starts the car to the airport. After 45 minutes we arrived to the destination in complete silence. Then we climbed off the cab and paid the driver. We took our suitcase and went to the boarding section.

"Flight no A2137 Paris to New york is ready for boarding" was announced through speaker and we were boarded in our flight and after some safety measures our flight took off.

"FREEDOM" we three shouted at the same time. For that we got many stares but we didn't mind and brushed it off with our laughter.

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