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James POV:

I was standing outside Adrien's apartment when I heard a commotion inside the house. I stepped inside the house without ringing the doorbell and leaned against the door frame to listen to their conversation.

I heard Adrien saying "I like someone". Hearing that my heart breaks that he likes someone other than me.

Liam asked Adrien "who is it? Did they know about it?".

"Um..." He mumbled incoherently.

"Say it, bro". Damon questioned Adrien.

"I like James. No, he didn't know about it". He blurted out shocking me in the process. I gathered my posture and revealed my presence to them.

"Then go on a date with me, Adrien". I asked him with hope. Hearing my voice he turned in my direction with his mouth wide open.

"Um...what are you doing here and what did you say?" He asked nervously.

Liam explained to him, how I was his blind date. How it was a coincidence that we both liked each other.

After clearing the air, I gave him the bouquet and said "Shall we get going, kitten?". His cheeks turned a bright shade of red upon hearing his nickname.

"I'd love that". He replied with a smile and I exhaled a sigh of relief. Bidding his family a goodbye we started our date night.

I have planned to take him to three places before this night ends. Everything has been set up with the help of my friend Grey, who is the colleague accompanied to that mission.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked me after driving for 15 minutes.

"Patience kitten. I don't want to ruin the surprise". I said with a smirk and he just whined about how I am being unfair.

After driving for 30 mins we reached our destination. 'Bounce'. It is a gaming center. I took Adrien's hand whose jaw dropped to the floor.

"Where are we?" He questioned staring at me.

"Let's go inside and you can see it for yourself". I replied cockily.

I tugged his hands and made my way inside. The open game area is decorated with dim lights with neon light signs attached to the walls. Games of different genres were arranged in various sections.


A gasp was heard from my side and I turned to see Adrien who is in a daze of joy. Liam told me about Adrien's passion and hobby of games. So, what place can be more suitable than this place?

"Come on, let's play. Which one do you want to go to first?"

Just like that, we started our date by playing shooting, hitting the target, cross-fire, visual football, and so on.

We spent 1 hour there and I decided it is time to have dinner.

"How did you enjoy bounce?" I asked him with hopeful eyes.

"It was so cool and it made me relax from the daily stressful activities". He replied with a glint of happiness.

"Then it is time for your next surprise. Are you ready kitten?"

His eyes widened. "Where are we going? I thought this was our date".

"It is just the beginning kitten". With that, I started my car to our next place.

'More per il Cibo' is an Italian restaurant. I have booked a rooftop table for the two of us. Luckily, when I was reserving the slots for reservations were empty. After reaching the restaurant I parked and climbed off the car and jogged to the other side of the car to open the door for Adrien.

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