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Adrien POV:

Yesterday me and Kiara went to James house for the night. I slept with Kiara in the guest room.

My alarm clock blared waking me up in the process. I quickly turned off the alarm to not disturb my sleeping princess. She is laying in her belly, her legs are tucked in with her ass in the air. She is suckling her thumb lazily in her sleep. I secured her with the pillows and climbed off the bed.

I did my morning routine and changed into a suit for the trial. I went downstairs to see James making breakfast. I greeted him while entering the kitchen.

"Hi" I said.

"Hello, Good morning. Did you slept well?" I know he is referring to the trial.

"I slept good. But feeling anxious about the trial. I need to leave the past behind."

"Don't worry. We have enough proof to prove them guilty."

I forced a smile and thanked him. He slid a plate of bacon with a smoothie.

"These smells good. Thanks for the breakfast"

He just winked at me and said "I'll go and get ready. My co-worker Jenna should here soon, she will take care of Kiara till we return from the courtroom".

"That's good to hear" I replied and he went upstairs. I ate my breakfast in silence.

Then the doorbell rings. I went and peeked through the peephole to see a women in officer suit. I opened door with a smile.

"You must be officer Jenna" I asked.

She returned my gesture "Yes, I am here to take care of Kiara".

"James informed me about you. Get in". I welcomed her inside at the same time James came downstairs in his uniform.

"Hello Jenna! Thanks for coming. we will return in 2 hours" James greeted Jenna.

James then turned to me "Shall we go now?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. Then we went outside to hop in the jeep. James started to drive towards the courtroom.

After 20 mins drive we reached the courtroom and waited in the audience seat in courtroom 3. We all stood in respect when the judge entered the courtroom.

The case began. The announcer in the court mentioned about the case in trial "we are here for the case of drug storage, child abuse and child negligence. The acused persons are Mr. William Thomas and Mrs. Grace Thomas".

The police officers brought them inside and the prosecutor started to state his facts. "Lord of honour, we have video proof against Mr. And Mrs. Thomas while abusing their daughter. They were taken by Officer James and Officer Grey. They also found a drug stash in their master bedroom. We jave victims, their own sons who escaped from them due to abuse".

The judge checked the evidences and my brother's statement, while my parents kept glaring daggers at me.

After 10 min the judge turned towards my parents and asked "Do you feely guilty? The proof is enough to give your verdict."

My parents looked defeated and nodded their heads. The judge started to say the final judgement "Here by Mr. And Mrs. Thomas were given 20 years in prison as their judgement".

I sighed in relief and out of instinct I hugged James tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and I inhaled his masculine scent and savoured it. Few minutes later, we stood from our seats and made our way outside.

We leaned back in the car side and enjoyed the feeling. James spoke with a strained voice "when is your flight?".

My problems were solved and I'm happy to leave this place. But leaving James is somewhat doesn't suit me as right. I forced a smile and replied "In 2 hrs, we need to be there 1 hr before for boarding".

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