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Adrien POV:

I sat in my office, studying a case file of transplantation when my pager beep with a code blue signal. I placed the files on my desk and made my way to the ER room.

My footsteps halted when I saw him after those weeks, James. I was shocked to see him here. My face fells when I saw who he is with. Liam. He was laying in a stretcher with a bullet near his heart. I rushed to him and started to curse.

"I told you to be careful, but here you are again" I yelled at Liam even though he is unconscious, I can't control my anger.

"We need to take him to the ER ROOM" I ordered James and he pushed the stretcher towards the room I was pointing.

He was asked to stay outside when he neared the door.

"How did you get here and how did you find my brother, James?" I asked him confused.

"I was the new officer appointed and your brother's partner in this case, Adrien". He explained to me.

I didn't have time to speak to him, my brother needs me first. So, I went inside and prepared for the surgery to remove the bullet from Liam's body.

Half way through the surgery, I was removing the bullet when his heart rate slowed and stopped suddenly. My heart was beating faster. He can't die. No, no, no, this can't be happening.

"Bring defibrillator. Quick" I asked one of my assistant in this surgery. He attached the mechanism to Liam amd handed me the pads. I gave him shock waves three times, but there was no response. I was beginning to lose hope. I tried one last time, this time his heart picked the rhythm to beat.

I let out a shaky breath, that I didn't know I was holding until now amd proceeded with the remaining surgery. After agonizingly slow 1 hr, the surgery was successful. I ordered the ward boys to place him in the ICU and assigned a nurse to observe him till I freshen up.

I went to the shower room to clean myself and relieve some tension in my muscles. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead in the shower wall. James face popped in and my heart began to race. He is here. He is really here. I want him, but will he even consider me. I sighed and turned off the shower to get dressed.

I went to Liam's room to check on him. He was layed in a bed with wires connecting his heart to monitor. When I turned around the room, I saw james seated in an armchair near the window. I went near Liam and checked his vitals. They are stable for now but I need to monitor him for another 48 hrs. His dosage will wear off soon and he will be up at any hour.

I then went up to James and sat beside him. He is sleeping peacefully from exhaustion. My hands are itching to run my fingers through his soft hairs and I decided to go for it. I brushed some of his hair aside that have fell on his face which were glistening with sunlight.

He started to stir and blinked his eyes open and caught me mid-air what I was doing. I blushed and mumbled a sorry. He just smiled at me which melted my heart instantly.

I asked him the question I wanted to ask "What happened in the mission?".

His face hardened and he started to explain how the mafia gang was originally from Paris, how the kids were kidnapped and some were found dead and how they travelled to New york with some kids and also how they started their work here.

He continued "Our chief informed that me and my colleague Grey has to accompany this mission to capture them. But our flight was delayed so when we reached the HQ, chief said they were already went for the mission. So, we said him that we can be their backup as the snipers."

"When we reached we positioned ourselves on a tree and waited. Our team retreated with the kids safely. But one officer remained inside, that was Liam. When I checked what was happening, three kids were held captive in underground. Our team didn't suspect that, so a member of mafia shot Liam when he is distracted. So, I think Liam must've asked the team to retreat. I took a ear-piece from my team member and listened to the conversation taking place inside the warehouse".

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