CHAPTER FIVE: Finding About Kiara

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Present day....

Adrien POV:


I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 6 am. Today I have an important heart transplant surgery, so I need to be in hospital befor 9 am. Now I need to wake up those slow pokes.

Before waking them up I went to brush my teeth and showered. I walked to closet and grabbed a white T-shirt and a black pant. I wear casuals to hospital and then I will change into my scrubs.

After dressed, I went to Liam room. His alarm is beeping high but still he sleeps like a dead man.

I took a pillow and hit him straight in the head and shouted "Idiot wake up, for crying out loud you are an police officer but you can't wake up early"

He wakes up startled and gives me that stink eye and says "I'm up I'm up".

I rolled my eyes "Go and wake that idiot"

He had a mischievous smile, so I know it will be worse than what I did now. So I left him and went to kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I grabbed three bowls and added cereals in them and then boiled some milk and poured them in the bowl. I grabbed those bowls and placed them in the kitchen island and then I hear that.

Liam shouting at Damon to wake up but not in normal way. He used his speaker to wake him up. Damon was screaming. They both came running to the kitchen I was laughing at their theatrics.

Damon glared at me while I double in pain from laughing. He grumbled "It's not fun at all. One of these days I will be in your surgery table to check my ear."

"Your welcome. I will do it at free off cost" I said with a smile.

These are the times I enjoy and cherish most.

I called for their attention "Ok boys listen today I have an important surgery so don't try to contact me till 3 pm and I will be leaving in 10 minutes. Be good and get to your work without fighting".

They groaned and said "we are not 5 bro" at the same time.

I shake my head "But you guys act like one". With that I finished my bowl and placed it in the dish washer.

"Ok I'm going remember what I said" I yelled at them in the doorway. I heard a loud yes while closing the door.

I opened the garage to pick my mate red ferrari F12 Berlinetta.

I opened the door and relaxed in the seat for a minute then took off to the Hemilton hospital

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I opened the door and relaxed in the seat for a minute then took off to the Hemilton hospital.

After a drive of 20 minutes without any traffic, I reached my parking spot. I grabbed by briefcase and made a beeline to my office with here and there to greet other colleagues.

My office has a desk with a photo frame that has three of us in it. That one was taken in the amusement park which we went for Damon's birthday.

I smiled at the memory and took the case file from the briefcase.

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