Chapter 24

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TW: minor sexual content ahead.

Don't get your hopes up, it's just a whiff and a half of spice! But enjoy it either way angels :)

I also want to say that I wholeheartedly appreciate your patience with the updates! It's been a rough couple of months (mostly mentally) so I hope you all understand the time gaps in between the posts.

But most importantly, I want to thank everyone for all the love and support you give s&c whether or not I update consistently <3

I love you all so so so much!!


June 6, 2015

Aurora hums an airy tune, her phone pressed against her ear with her shoulder as she tilts the metal watering can all over the fresh lavender and rouge, flamingo-pink, clementine-colored buttercups.

She loves how she can help them grow into precious flowers for busy bees and iridescent hummingbirds and tiny insects.

The rare blue sky grazes her freckled cheeks and the sound of the water sprinkling over the flower beds brings a smile to her face.

This time her brother, Daniel, called her first, with no yarns of pressure or questions or doubts about her wellbeing in England.

And she even apologized for having hung up on him, on his birthday for that matter.

Still no havoc of her family in the background, but Aurora knows she's not ready to hear them again.

Might wonder when she ever will be.

Though a latching pinch at her heart remains while she speaks to her oldest brother.

Daniel talks about the whereabouts of his life and his juggling jobs, going on short meaningless dates.

But most importantly, he has a fixation on informing Aurora how much he misses her in the house, even after years of her room being vacant.

Aurora would be lying if she said she didn't miss him too, yet her mind travels to the abysm of elsewhere as she converses with Daniel.

"Danny... Do you think someone can be naturally rude or at least try all they can to be rude?" she asks him without thinking, setting the watering can down and glimpsing at the sunny sky.

As if it'll tell her the most sincere answer of all.

And not like her question has any relation to the smoker.

However, there's static silence in the other line.

"Yes? Maybe? I don't know... I guess — you know, I guess some people can be very honest and speak their mind so like... That can seem rude to others?"

Makes sense.

"Why do you ask, Rory?"

"Oh, I was just wondering..."

A half lie.

Her fingers fiddle with each other, and now she holds her phone as she walks back inside to sit on the gray couch.

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