Old Stories

274 13 9

TW// Mentions of suicide

Technoblade poured himself a glass of wine and sat at the table. The house was empty again. Phil had taken Dream home before going back home himself. The officer left as soon as the case was closed. "Alright, so what's the history with Ben?"

Drista moved around in her seat uncomfortably. She was nervous to tell him. "Just promise you won't freak out."

"What do you think the wine is for?" Technoblade took a sip. "Go on, tell me what's happened with you and this guy."

Drista cleared her throat and started petting Bruno who was resting by her feet. "So it all started like a year ago. I developed a crush on Ben, via admiring him in the school hallways..."

"Oh wow, we're really going into detail." Techno leaned forward, showing he was listening.

"Yeah, so I started talking to him. It was so obvious I liked him. I don't even know what it was...I think I was just desperate for a boyfriend, because like everyone in my class was dating. Anyway, he caught on quick that I liked him." Drista paused so she could answer any questions.

"Keep going, I'll save my questions for the end." Technoblade gestured for her to keep spilling the drama.

"So we started texting, and he led me to believe their was a mutual feeling between us. Though admittedly he was pretty shitty to me from the beginning. I don't remember exact quotes, but he was always putting me down and being judgy. From there I broke off our little... situation, we weren't technically dating. Since then he continued to be a jerk to me in school...used to make fun of me for being mentally ill, made fun of my friends, has been homophobic to me."

"Hold on" Technoblade interrupted. "You let a homophobe on my property?"

Drista shrugged. "I don't know, we'll get to that. One of the major things he did was...he and a couple girls pinned me down in the school bathroom and well...they might have given me a stick and poke tattoo...the word bitch, to be exact. On my wrist...that's why I have this beautiful memorial tattoo now. To cover up what they did."

Technoblade slowly sipped on his wine, trying not to freak out. "I hope that's all."

"Well...no. Tommy, Tubbo, And Ranboo went to stand up for me not so long ago, because Ben was once again being a dick to me...one of Ben's friends shot Tubbo, but Ben wasn't even supposed to bring his friends..." Drista watched Technoblade's face switch from upset to horror.

"Excuse me?! Ranboo told me Tubbo was shot in an accident. You're telling me it was an act of teenage violence?" Techno wasn't impressed.

"Yeah...It was my fault. I shouldn't of let them go." Drista took the blame.

Technoblade downed the rest of his wine and poured another glass. "You are crazy, and that's a lot coming from me. What are you doing still talking to this person?"

"About that...he was at the clinic for the therapy session. Something seemed different about him, he even came up to beg for my forgiveness. Then he reached out to me again when I got home, he just wanted to apologize again in person after I told him I had leukemia. I think he genuinely is changing, and I wanted to fix things with him so I can heal from the trauma and move on." Drista made her final statement about what happened, and sighed. "I'm really sorry for sneaking out."

Techno picked up his glass of wine again and pushed up his glasses. "You realize your brother told me you have a history of sneaking out? He specifically mentioned a time where you snuck out to a festival."

Drista nodded shyly. "Yeah...okay, I'm a bad kid. I get it. I have a history of a lot. I used to smoke cigarettes too, did he tell you that?"

Technoblade raised an eyebrow and put down his glass of wine. "I didn't say you were a bad kid. Everybody makes mistakes."

"Right...Ben made mistakes too and I'm going to forgive him...do you support me in this or not?" Drista wanted Techno back on her side.

Technoblade rolled around in his own thoughts, cringing when the voices started shouting again. "The voices keep saying 'assault' since I've seen Ben. I don't know if I can support this..."

"Well..." Drista let out a little frustrated huff. "Maybe the voices are trying to tell you about what he did to me in the past. Holding me down in the bathroom to give me a tattoo was assault."

Technoblade reflected for a moment longer, drinking his calming juice. "Alright, let's make a deal."

Drista nodded quickly.

"If you want to spend time with this boy, make things better, maybe even become friends. There are a couple rules. Can you handle that? You haven't been the best at following rules." Techno was brutally honest with her.

Drista nodded slower. "Yes, I swear."

"First, If you want to hang out with him, you only do it here. If he wants to talk to you in person, you bring him here. I don't care if you ask me, just bring him here if you want to see him. Second rule, you stay in the living room or kitchen with him. No shut doors and tell me when he's here." Technoblade laid out his rules regarding Ben, hoping for once they'd be followed.

"That's stupid, we can just chill in my room-"

"NO! Not unless I'm across the hall and you keep your door WIDE open." Techno raised his voice, hoping it helped get his point across.

"Techno, it's not like that. I know he's a boy, but it's not weird like that. We can be in my room." Drista sank in her chair.

"I'm sorry, but no." Techno got up and put away his bottle of wine. "The last thing I will ever let you do is become a part of the 97%."

"The what?" Drista scooted her chair back.

"Don't worry about it, let me worry about it." Technoblade walked past her, ruffling her hair as he passed. "Come on, time to get ready for bed."

Drista got up and led Bruno to the steps. "Okay...I promise I'll be good from now on. Thank you so much for letting me stay."

"You're welcome...to be honest your brother didn't seem stable enough to me anyway..." Technoblade sighed.

"He didn't look great to me either... goodnight Techno."

"Goodnight little orphan." Technoblade stood by the stairs and watched her go up with Bruno. He just felt a natural impulse to stand and watch her.

When Drista got to the top, she tripped and fell halfway down the steps. Before she could feel any pain, she felt Techno's hands on her shoulders.

"Are you okay?!" Technoblade turned her so he could see her face. Her nose was already pouring blood and her lip was bleeding. Thankfully it wasn't any worse than that.

"Something tripped me!" Drista yelped, trembling in fear. Bruno was also afraid, frozen at the top of the steps like something was there.

Technoblade looked upstairs. There was nothing she could have possibly tripped over. He did however notice the air getting colder around the steps. "The voices stopped talking...soon as I got on the steps."

Drista sniffled and started crying. "I'm gonna fucking kill myself! Even the dead are trying to kill me!"

Technoblade shushed her and pulled her up off the steps. "Shh, that's the exact reaction they want. Let's go to the bathroom, I'll clean your face."

No choice, but here's a question!

If you were Drista's best friend, what advice would you give her regarding Ben?

Lesson: Forgiveness is personal. For example: Someone bullies your entire friend group. All your friends forgive them, but you're still upset.

You don't have to forgive them because everyone else did. You're allowed to have your own opinions about someone. This can also go the opposite way. Maybe you forgive them, but your friends don't. That's okay, everyone heals at different speeds.

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