New Plan

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When they got to the hospital, Dream practically had to drag Drista in. They did not want to go. Something in the back of their mind was telling them not to. Sure they had bad memories of the hospital, but this time felt different. It kind of felt like the day Lani died, or maybe even when Sapnap died. Regardless, the atmosphere was screaming tragedy.

There wasn't any rooms available in the moment, but a nurse saw how distressed the group looked. "What happened?" She asked Dream who was holding Drista.

"She's very dizzy, almost fainted." Dream tried to speak calmly, but his words still came out jumbled and panicked.

"Okay, come with me." The nurse motioned for them to follow her.

Drista pulled away from Dream and completely collapsed on the floor. "NOO!" They screamed like they were being led into a death chamber.

"Drista!" Dream leaned down and pulled her off of the floor. Thankfully Drista was small in every way. Even though she was 16 now, Dream still managed to pick her up and carry her.

The nurse led Dream down a hallway. George stayed behind to avoid getting in the way, plus only family should be with Drista now. Though he did promise to wait for them right at the end of the hallway.

The hallway felt all too familiar to Dream. He's been there before. The nurse pointed out a bed parked against the wall. "You can lay her there. We'll move her into a room as soon as possible." The nurse promised.

Dream carried Drista down the well lit corridor, to the bed. He tried to lay her on the bed, but his muscles were too tense. He himself didn't want to lay her down. Something didn't feel right.

Drista clung to Dream, making it even harder for him to put them down. "Dream, no! NOOO! DON'T PUT ME DOWN!" George could hear them screaming from where he was waiting. His stomach twisted into knots, after hearing them sound so distraught.

Dream managed to pry her off, and get her to lay on the bed. "It's okay, I understand it's scary. It's probably nothing though, relax."

Drista sat up on the bed only to be pushed back down by her brother. "Dream please, I can take the binder off at home!"

"I know, but just incase it's not that..." Dream held their hand. "It's been a long time since you've been tested...could even be too late."

Drista purposely squeezed Dream's hand too hard so he'd let go. "I don't give a fuck. Dream, I already know the cancer is back."

Dream stared at them, shaking his head slowly. "We don't KNOW...we just need to be safe."

"No, I know. Techno told me. I know you don't believe in spiritual stuff much, but he asked a god to protect me last time." Drista pointed out her ring. "This symbolizes the God's promise. If I can't take it off, it means he's currently working with me."

Dream just rolled his eyes, not able to take the god claim seriously. "Drista, Technoblade is ill. I love the guy, but he's not all there. I appreciate him helping you with your attachments, and I do believe there's something spiritual going on with you. However I highly doubt there's a god protecting you. If there was, how come you almost died last time? And why would the cancer come back?"

Drista shrugged. "It's complicated...the god can't just snap his fingers and I'm cured. He just helps push things in the right direction."

"Mn...well what do you have to be afraid of? If a god is going to 'save you' from this?" Dream asked sarcastically.

"Like I said, it can't cure me. I'm not going through treatment again..." Drista put their foot down. "If it's cancer, which I know it is...I'm not treating it."

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