Chapter Eleven: Eat My Ass

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I don't want to lose you
I don't want you walking away

Noa begins to stir. The lights in reflecting in the mirror not helping her keep her eyes open as the drugs wear off. She'd been cleaned and prepped. 

We're so good together
Tell me it's forever, 'cause I want you to stay 

"I can't move" she manages to muster. 

I'll be damned if I'm living without you
And as long as I live, you will know

"I know, I gave you an epidural, you won't feel much" Steve raises his voice above the music. 

"What are you doing?" Noa asks weakly. Theres a pause as he leans over her. . .his face reflecting in her eyes. 

"I'm taking your ass" he says jovially. 

"Noooo" tears try to escape Noa's eyes. 

"Yes!" he calls back. 

"Nurse, hand me that bowl would you." She hears someone move behind her but she can't see anyone. 

I just want to build my world around you
Don't want you to go 

"You lost my trust Noa so there are going to have to be consequences" He stops to talk before continuing to sing, leaning down to look over at her "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH MY RESTLESS HEART"

The one you fill with the emotion
Baby right from the start

"Please stop" 

"Noa its gonna be alright" a gentle voice comes from behind Noa, almost like an angel, one she can't see "He's a doctor remember?" 

'Cause the hardest part is being alone
With my restless heart
Hmmm, with my restless heart

Noa's ass check in blocked into a metal bowl. 

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . WITH NOA. . . 

"Noa, how's your ass?" A friendly voice jokes though the wall. 

"Still gone" She mashes the food on her plate around as she lays 'bum' up on the floor "Pain meds are helping me, I can't feel as much"

"He's so sweet right?" She makes another dark joke. "Although I'm sure his wife puts it in the pie. . . you like the cherry pie?" 

"I just wanna hurt him, Penny" comes Noa's reply, it's blunt and sad. 

"The only way you could hurt this guy is to hurt his wife. . .  he loves her so much." 

"Is her name Ann? Is she the nurse?" 

"NOOOO ANNNNN I'M SO SORRY STOOOOOPPP NOT ANN NOOOOO!!!" Comes a whaling from another room. 

"Yeah best not mention that name to Mellisa . . . apparently this nurse Ann is a nutcase." 

"This is fucked up . . ." Noa utters her disbelief. 

"You should try the pie, it'll make you feel better." 

. . . . . . 

. . . BACK TO NORMAL POV. . . 

"Burning the midnight oil?" You muse, causing Mollie to jump out of her skin, you chuckle lightly as you get your printing and walk back over "what you looking at?" 

"You know I said I don't think its Noa texting back? Look at this." She shows your her phone, no 'I love you more' replies Mollie points out. 

"Maybe she's just distracted?" You offer "does seem very odd though." 

"Very...." Mollie agrees "well anyway I asked the bartender to get his information..." Mollie says looking at before turning back to the Facebook page, you lean over, the blue light from the computer screen clouding illuminating both your faces. 

"Ann Kemp. . . " though strict security settings all you could both see was pictures of kids and dogs, until she spots a post of Steve with the boys and the dog. "I think he's married." Mollie across further. 

"Is there a picture of her, where they live?" You ask calmly. 

"Here. . . ." another pick with Steve and the boys outside the 'Open house' sign. A manicured fingernail accidentally in the shot. 

"She must have taken it. . . " Mollie quickly googles the house and finds the address. 

"You're gonna go?" 

"He's taken Noa on a trip, and now she's being weird. . ." Mollie stares at you. 

"I know but if he's a crazy nut case are you sure going to his family home is a good idea?" You bit your lip looking worried. 

"Its Noa. . ." she looks at you "I know you're not as close but surely your worried! Or maybe your not I've not seen you much recently!" Mollie quips. 

"I only work part time because I have a family and a very ill, friend." your careful with your choice of words "You know that. . . " You say gently. 

Mollie sighs "I'm sorry, look I know you might be worried about getting involved, with your kids etc but, will you at least be my look out, I need someone to know where I am if things go wrong." she looks at you. 

"Of course I will" you smile giving her a hug "I just like to think she's just loved up and thats why her replies are weird, you know not locked in a basement" you say sadly. 

"I know you do . . ." Mollie looks at you warmly "I'll text you the address ok?" 

"Ok" you smile "oh! I almost forgot!" you look in your bag and pull out a Tupperware. 

"Cake, oh my god, you know how much I love your chocolate cake" 

"We'll find her Mollie, don't worry" you say gently. "Right I have to go, don't stay too late ok!" You order with a raise of your brows before heading to the exit. 

"Love you Y/N" Mollie laughs.

"Love you more!"

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