Chapter Nineteen: Leftovers

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It was three in the morning by the time you'd both taken care of each other in the surgery downstairs and cleaned the house and the garden, leaving it spotless. You'd both been fairly quiet whilst stitching each other up and cleaning the blood away. There was no hiding the cuts and black eye on Steve's face nor the gash across your cheekbone and split lip but it was better than it had been. You place a fresh vase of flowers on the shelf, leaving a Tupperware  with cake in it and a note onto 'For Penny, happy birthday'. She's been right, you had been putting things in her cake, to help her slowly stay as zoned out as possible, it felt more humane that way. Checking she's tucked into bed and the chain safely on, you stroke her hair and stand, meeting Steve at the doorway, he locks it quietly. 

"Are you ok?" He says in a whisper as you walk away back upstairs. 

"I will be. . .are you?" 

"I will be" he mirrors you "as soon as you are. . ." 

"They're cleaned up and on ice. . ." The person form earlier who takes the deliveries stands in the now immaculate hallway. 

"Thank you. . . perhaps . . . we can delay the customers a little, with the promise of new stock. . ." You smile hopefully, you receive a nod and with that they're gone. You turn to Steve "I need some time off. . ." you add. 

"Off?" He looks panicked. 

"Not from you, you goon" You chuckle, wrapping your arms around him "From this . . .  I made Ann promise to keep her urges to herself . . . I just want you and the boy and . . . " a small tear rolls down your face which Steve wipes away gently, careful not to hurt you. 

"You can have anything you want. . ." He promises, a dark stormy look on his face that you can tell means he feels responsible. 

"Its not your fault Steve. . ." he grunts in disagreement. 

"Can we go home?" He nods, wrapping his arms around you and picking up the overnight bag you'd packed from the hallway, he turns the lights off, locks the door and you head to the car.

. . . . . . . . . 

You walk in as silently as possible, but your greeted by the low humming of the TV, the baby-sitter sat up, watching TV. 

"Oh shit, I wasn't expecting you guys. . ." her smiling face turns quickly to worry as she sees you both "oh my god what happened . . ." 

"We got attacked. . . " you say sadly "we've been talking to the police all night . . ." 

"Shit, let me make you guys some tea. . . oh god. . ." she helps you to sit, asking Steve if he's ok before getting to work making tea. 

"How were the boys?" 

"Perfect angels as always, checked on them only 5 mins ago, sound asleep" She smiles but it doesn't reach her concerned eyes. "Oh Ann, bless you, did they take anything?" 

"Just my dignity  . . ." you mutter, almost forgetting this world thought you were Ann, right now you didn't know who you were. "You know, I appreciate the offer of tea but I think I might head up . . ." You wince as you stand, the sitter nodding, biting her lip as she watches Steve take you to the stairs. 

"You going to be ok?" He looks at you. 

"Yeah . . ." you smile softly before limping upstairs. Steve stays, having tea and a chat with the sitter, putting her mind at ease the police were on the case and that you wanted it kept private, not wanting to worry the boys or the neighbour. 

"Of course . . ." 

"Here. . ." Steve payed the sitter with a large tip. 

"Mr Kemp I-" 

"You take care of those boys, our boys and after tonight I think its a realisation of just how precious life is. . ." he smiles "so please take it . . . for collage" 

"Thank you Mr Kemp. . ." 

"Call me Brendan . . ." He smiles, seeing her off, her Mum picking her up last minute he then closes the door, locks it and heads upstairs finding you exactly where he though you'd be. Asleep on the chair in the boys room. He checks on the boys before walking over to you and smiling "Come on. . ." he whispers gently as he lifts you up bridal style and walks you to the bedroom. Settling you down on the large king size bed you both share, putting you into your PJ's and removing your leg so you can sleep comfortably before climbing in next to you. 

"Steve?" You say with half a dazed, semi conscious blur to your voice as you try to feel for him in bed. 

"hmmm?" he asks as he slides his arms around you snuggling under the covers as you snuggling into him subconsciously but at his touch you fall back to sleep "goodnight my sweet sweet Y/N." 

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