Oh gay

394 18 23

I get to the dance by myself, feeling very awkward about the practice me and Mexico had. It's not like kissing your homies is wrong.... but I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to enjoy it as much as I did...

I walk around the outdoor quad where the dance was being held, and at all the couples dancing together. I see Philipa and Nekomi together, Britain and France, Ukraine and Poland....

Wait... Is that America dancing with Peru?

"Ame! what happened to Mexico?" I exclaim. America smiles at me.

"He was looking for you! He told me everything when we were on our date... Go find him, he needs to talk to you," America said. I stare at him incredulously, but then realize I should probably find Mexico to make sure he doesn't do anything illegal. I walk around, but I can't seem to find him.

"Japan! have you seen Mexico?" I ask Japan and his group.

"Hmm... I saw him around here earlier," Japan said, scanning the crowd.

"I saw him punch Russia in the d*ck, It was hilarious! from there, I think I saw him head towards the gym?" Ukraine said.

"Ok, thank you!" I exclaim, running to go find him. I go to the gym, and find Mexico's tie sitting next to a little sketch of a maple leaf. I pick it up, and on the back I see it says...

 I pick it up, and on the back I see it says

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I climb up the ladder as fast as I can, and find him on the edge, gazing at the sunset. I run up to him and wrap him in a tight hug.


"Huh? Oh! No, that's not- I wasn't jumping," Mexico said.

"HOLY F*CK WELL PHRASE YOUR VAGUE NOTES BETTER!!!" I exclaim. Mexico smiles forlornly, and I feel a bit worried. "What's wrong?" I ask. Mexico sighed.

"Canada... You... you ruined everything... o-or... maybe you saved me? I still can't tell...," Mexico said. I give him a confused look, and he takes my hands.

"I always convinced myself that Ame is who I wanted- no, who I needed... Th-that... He was the only person who could make me happy... hell, make me feel at all.... But then you came in and just... turned everything on its head... ever since we started hanging out, everything just... clicked. I started caring again. Caring about people, nature... myself.... I started genuinely feeling. I laughed, I cried, I actually smiled without having to even think about it... a-and... when we kissed I...," Mexico said, tearing up. "I realized I never even loved Ame. I was desperate... and... I realized that maybe... I... I...," Mexico stuttered.

"You?" I say.

"I love you, Canada," Mexico cried, hugging me close. I don't know exactly what having cupids bow shot straight through your heart is supposed to feel like, but I imagine it's something similar to how I'm feeling right now. My heartbeat is going so fast, but I don't feel panicked. My face is red and warm, but I'm not uncomfortable. I'm shaking, but not out of fear. I look Mexico in the eyes, and we share another kiss. And this time, there is no pretending. This is so 100% gay.

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