Chapter 1: Separated

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The Pridelands is dying,

The glowing sun rose over the land, revealing a vast plain wasting away in the heat. Every crevice gave the wretched profile of dead or dying. The quickly drying watering holes the dreadful season had already taken took a massive toll on both the Pridelands and surrounding terrain belonging to other animals. The outlands has suffered especially and hyenas were edging closer to the borders every day. This called for the King of the Pridelands to pick up some slack on the patrols that the females of his pride would normally partake in.

The King of the Pridelands, Kovu had been in power for a few years, yet had never seen a dry season like this. The smell of the decaying ground could easily stir him or any lioness from their sleep. As a matter of fact, it always did.

His majesty's tall and sturdy figure rose out of his den and to the peak of pride rock, just as he did every morning. The light that enveloped the land was enticing and he grew addicted to seeing his kingdom awaken every day. Every mellow, swamp and plain had grown a distinct personality that always stuck out to the king. Unfortunately, even the blind would know that this land was dying.

As if right on schedule, an egret dove in from the sky, landing in front of the king, landing and greeting with a graceful bow and smiles towards his majesty. Kovu returns the smile to the creature, understanding he was there for the morning report.

"As per usual this time of day, your majesty." The egret greets delightfully.

"Fire away." Kovu says, his chest and shoulders puffed out.

"The hyenas seem to have withdrawn from the southern border of the Pridelands, so I'm not sure if you'll see them on your patrol today. The various animals are finally returning to a sense of normalcy in there normal grazing grounds with those despicable poachers seeming to have retreated." The bird chirped gleefully.

"Then hopefully me and Kiara can have the later part of the day to ourselves." He says with a hint of relief. Speaking of which...

Just then, a smaller, leaner lioness arose from the caves of pride rock and walked to join the king of the Pridelands, it was his queen, Kiara. Her eyes dreamy as she nuzzles her head into his lush mane and purrs ever so softly just so Kovu can hear.

"You ready?" She asked, breaking from his mane to look into his eyes. A smile having already covered her face.

"You get your stubbornness from your father, you know that Kiara?" Kovu returns, giving her the smirk that she always loved, trying to hide his unease.

"Oh come on! It's just one patrol by the border, how bad could it be? We've already got six other lionesses coming with us, what could go wrong that we couldn't correct?" Kiara retorts.

She made a small point. The Lionesses normally patrolled in groups to compensate for need to cover as much ground as possible, also Kiara had been begging to get out of priderock for a while. For the past few months she had been isolated to priderock and hasn't been out hunting or running patrols with me. At least that was after...

"Dad, Dad!" A tiny voice squeaked as a little cub stumbled from our den.

"What is it Koda? What wrong?" The tenor voiced lion asked, already anticipating his cubs response.

"I'm ready for the patrol!" He squealed with excitement, to which Kovu sighs.

"Koda, your far too young to go on a patrol, much less leave pride rock. You will wait here with the other lionesses." Kovu replies sternly. It wasn't the first time his son had been vocal about wanting to see the world outside of his pride again.

"I... I want to go with you! I'm brave, I'm strong, I can fight!" The cub mews, looking up to his father, still having a determined look in his eye.

Kovu's nuzzles his son sympathetically, he's only a couple of months old and had been kept close for some time. Ever since Kiara discovered him, she had tried her hardest to keep him safe. He's just naturally tense, and eager to please. Kovu could easily remember his life growing up, the fear of being forced into a destiny he didn't want, and the consequences of revolting. He breaks the nuzzle, looking into his son's nervous eyes.

"You already make me proud, I know you are brave. But, it's our hearts that strengthen and prepare us when the time comes to be tested. We won't be long Koda." He reassured his son, to which he responds by looking down. Kovu brings his paw to his chin, raising it to meet his gaze.

"Kovu! We haven't much time to spare." A deep voice boomed from the depths of pride rock.

A tall, powerful lion arose from the crowd, breaking Kovu's attention away from his child. This however, was one Lion that Kiara knew quite well.

"Hey there big brother, relax. He will be ready shortly!" Kiara encouraged as the bold lion impatiently scoffed and blended back to the crowd of lionesses near the trail leading down priderock.

Kovu returned his attention one more time to his son, who seemed on edge given the recent outburst.

"I will miss you." Koda mewed as his gaze raised to meet his father. Kovu nuzzles him once more, to which he breaks, this time to join his mate and a group of lionesses, roaring proudly, signaling them to go. Kovu watches them leave, getting another glance at his son. Koda merely droops his head, disappointed in himself for not being with them, but also sad to see his parents leave into possible harms way without him.

"Your majesty!" A higher pitched voice called as it landed next to Koda.

"Good morning Ono." Kiara says just noticing the egret next to her child.

"Don't worry, I'll watch over him." The egret called proudly to the two lions standing before him and Koda.

"We have every faith in you." Kovu's returned as his attention turns back to his son, giving his signature smile before venturing off and disappearing into the land before them.

"You must not worry, Koda. Understand that your parents have done this same patrol more times than I've had birthdays! There's not likely to be anything of concern." The egret reassured him, putting his wing over his back.

"Maybe your right..." Koda tries to express with optimism... "Oh! Maybe Malaika is not doing anything, she always loves to play!" Koda jumps with enthusiasm, running and stumbling down the steps to the base of pride rock to meet his friend.

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