Chapter 5: Gift

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The storm hadn't let down.

There wasn't a single smile, dry pair of eyes or joyous soul to be seen across priderock. The animals of the Pridelands had all gathered together for the ceremony. They circled around priderock, awaiting the return of their king. Kovu had left to travel the previous patrol rout with a few lionesses, and everyone knew what he would return with.

Kopa and Koda waited at the base of priderock with Makini, Malaika and Matumaini. Kopa, Makini and Koda's eyes were full of sorrow, red from sadness. Matumaini held as strong a frame as she could, but it was very hard, as it was Kiara that helped raise the young lioness.

Off in the distance, in the rain, a few feline figures could be seen approaching priderock. One in particular was very bulgy. The animals of the Pridelands made a pathway through the crowd for the lions to walk through. It was there that everyone got a look at the once free spirited, 'full of life' queen of the Pridelands, now she was one with the circle of life.

Makini approached Kovu, her eyes full of tears as she reached up and stroked his cheek. Kovu's eye contact was short lived as he walked past her to the great tree standing beneath priderock, and set his mate down into her grave. Before leaving the little crater, he takes one last look at her. Her eyes shut peacefully as if she were sleeping, her muscles seemingly at ease, the tender, softness of her body. She was gone.

Makini stepped forward as Kovu exits the crater, gently nuzzling him as lionesses begin shuffling dirt into Kiara's grave. She collects a deep breath before opening her eyes once more to the saddened pride.

"May the spirits of the past, present and future, guide you, Queen Kiara, as you become one with the great circle of life. You have touched many across the land with your kindness and beauty, inside and out. Your tender, loving, and just character, will never be forgotten." Makini sniffs as tears run down her face, taking one last look at the former queen before leaving the service. She couldn't believe it, Kiara was gone.

The animals slowly began to leave, all in tears because of the loss of their queen. Herd by herd the animals left the somber sight and returned to resume their daily lives, leaving only the pride to whiteness the remainder of Kiara's burial. But it would only last all too long, as lionesses began to shuffle away to the den of priderock, soon Koda thought that it was only him, his father and his uncle who remained.

"Kopa!" A distant voice cried out to the older lion, as it approached very quickly.

"That sounded like..." Kopa spoke while the allegiance of his attention changed, as an egret came into view from the distance, flying rather quickly.

Ono landed in a panic on Kopa's back, breathing heavily and eyes wide. Kopa kinda his head to the egret, letting him know to catch his breath and to think before he opens his beak.

"Your majesty, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but SHE is coming..."

Kopa's eyes widen, he didn't know that she would arrive so quickly, but nonetheless, he knows what he has to do. He quickly jolts in the direction Ono flew from and began running.

"...and hell won't be far behind her." Ono speaks almost completely out of breath, nodding his head trying to breath. Kopa freezes, knowing that this situation is undoing all to quickly. He turns back to Ono,

"Ensure the Pride is in the den when she arrives, I will need a word in private.

Ono nods his head as he ushers the last of the lionesses into the den, leaving Kovu and Koda our by themselves. Kovu was quiet, not even facing her grave. Rather, he faced away towards the distance. Koda felt almost uncomfortable by the sudden coldness his father had adopted into his personality. Almost making him retreat to the den, until..

"Koda?" A soft, feminine voice caressed his ears from behind.

He turned around to see Malaika, sitting directly behind him, her shoulders hunched and her blue eyes stained with sadness for her friend. Her mouth opens to try and say something, but her breath hitches, and she looks down for a moment. Koda understands the awkwardness and flashes the best smile he can muster before turning around and walking away, it wasn't enough for her. Malaika walks up to him from behind, nuzzling the fur of his neck, securing his attention and halting his march. He couldn't hide the grief in his eyes anymore and tears were spilling out as he turns to face her. She seized her opportunity, closing her eyes, Malaika leans forward and kisses Koda.

Koda is immediately caught off guard and leans back, breaking the kiss unintentionally. Malaika's eyes open and meet his. The hurt they both feel couldn't quite be read by the other. On one hand Malaika didn't know if it was the grief, or if he just didn't think the same way. Likewise Koda didn't know if she kissed him out of genuine attraction and desire to be with him, or if it was just out of pity for the loss of a loved one.

Koda's eyes broke from hers as he noticed the lionesses has finished the burial, and were returning to the den. Not to mention, his father and uncle were nowhere to be seen. Turning back to priderock he can see Malaika had already begun making her way up the steps to the den, turning to face him with hurt eyes, before turning her attention back to priderock resuming her walk.

Breathing a heavy sigh, he walks up the steps, understanding his life may never be the same. As he reaches the den entrance however, he notices something, his uncle Kopa, talking with someone yellow, with black splotches all over its body.

"I wonder what that's about." He questioned silently as he found the warmest, driest corner in priderock he could find and retired to a deep slumber as the storm continued to pound priderock.

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