Chapter 6: Legend

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Weeks had passed since the passing of Queen Kiara, and the Pridelands still had never been the same. The hyena clans aggression had only grown as they pushed the boundaries of the Pridelands border further and further inward. Kovu would sink into a Great Depression, unfit to rule his pride, who themselves were not taking well to recent events. Kopa would reluctantly take charge of the lionesses, in waiting for the next of Kiara's blood to take the throne.

Koda would rarely be seen, always outside of priderock exploring the nearby fields. Kopa and him would never quite see eye to eye, obviously because of Kopa's harsher, more aggressive nature, while Koda still had some maturing to do.

Their eyes meet from across the plains, Kopa waiting at the edge of priderock waiting for Koda's attention to gain allegiance to him.

"Koda, come here." Kopa orders, to which Koda walks over, his head low. "Did your parents ever tell you about your second uncle?" Kopa questions.

Koda just tilts his head, unknowing of what Kopa is speaking about.

"Very well then, I shall tell you about him...

In a time when the Pridelands was in more danger than it had seen since the reign of scar, my father, King Simba, would have a third child, though it seemed he would just be another lion in the pride and very likely would've been exiled to start a pride of his own, as he was the youngest male of the three of us and wouldn't inherit the throne. His destiny would be much more, 'grand'.

Unfortunately, when he could barely walk I had ventured off on my own little adventure across the flood plains against my fathers wishes, the hyenas spotted me. They took me away, tortured me, punished me, made me believe I would never see the light of day.

Years later while in the deep den of some volcano, I had discovered that my brother had survived to his teenage years. Though our paths didn't cross that day, I heard a sense of urgency about him, and used the opportunity to escape under the cover of night. I thought I was finally free, and I could return home.

But when I did, I saw something that convinced me not only that evil was alive, but it existed in this very rock. I watched as my mother died, my brother, sister and Father standing before her, but my fathers eyes, they were poisoned with green, and the subtle grin spreading across his face was so sinister, the eyes and smile of the tyrant Scar. I had to escape, so I used that opportunity to run, faster than I knew I could, all the while I heard that taunting laugh inside my head.

My Grandfather, the great king Mufasa would come to me in a dream years later telling me to return home and that HE, your uncle would raise the next king, but by that point everyone had been convinced that he was dead."

"Dead? How did he die?" Koda asks,

"Scar. He had poisoned the minds of your Uncle and grandfather alike, and they both burned for it, or at least so I thought." Kopa finished.

"What was his name?" Koda asks,

"He went by many names. You will meet him soon, and he will introduce himself." Kopa states.

Koda's head tilts in confusion, not sure where the conversation is going. Kopa takes to his paws and begins walking away, ushering Koda to follow him. They cross many plains, the storms had been beneficial, but not enough for the worst dry season the Pridelands have had in years.

"Scars plan would never come to fruition if my brothers bloodline continues." Kopa adds, to which Koda looks in curiosity.

"Weeks before he went missing, his mate would bare him two cubs, each with their own destiny. One of his daughters has resided in the Pridelands into young adulthood, but the other left to join her clan. But in order for them to complete their destinies, it was foretold that a third piece was needed." Kopa stops walking and looks at Koda.

"A third piece? I don't understand, uncle." Koda says, shuffling sideways.

"Until a few weeks ago, I didn't either. But I believe the reason the Hyenas hunted us down, the night your mother was killed, was because they have heard the prophecy too, and believe someone in her family is to be that third piece." Kopa finishes.

"Why do the Hyenas hate us?" Kopa flinches when he hears that question.

"The past is complicated. Destined rivals I guess... let's just move on." His voice drops as he walks on.

As they reach the border of the Pridelands, a small dust cloud appears in the distance, a single file of mist approaching rapidly. Koda's immediate thought is to run, but Kopa holds him tight to his paws, not letting go.

"Stay close to me." Koda doesn't question, and hides behind him.

The fog halts as people's and rocks fling off of the ground and the air around them clears. Emerging from it, a bulgy spotted female cheetah, who's eyes met the little cub hiding behind his uncle, but the real sight to see was what was the brief shape that the dust took behind her. A tall, robust lion with grim scaring across his eye and body, a thick mane and dense fur only lasted for a couple of seconds, before its shape disappearing in the air.

"Welcome home, Noelle." Kopa nods.

Koda was chilled, he had never seen a cheetah before, let alone so tall and muscular but still lean, even Kopa looked on par with her size. That is saying much, as Kopa is the strongest and most feared Lion in the Pridelands, and this newcomer looked grim.

"This must be made quick, my coalitions patients is running thin. If anyone else discovers that he still lives, it will reach the hyenas, and they won't be too keen on letting our family slip by, again." She finished, slumping her gaze to the ground.

"We have some time Noelle. I'm sorry we haven't yet had the opportunity to meet formally, but could I introduce you to my nephew?" Kopa asks, to which Koda steps to the side, out from behind his uncles legs. The cheetah takes notice to him, examining the little guy.

"You remind me of your him, little one." The cheetah says, stroking Koda's scruff of a mane with her tongue.

"Who are you?" Koda asks, his eyes up while his head is down.

"My name is Noelle little one, your uncle was my Father." The cheetah expressed tenderly.

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