Chapter 18: An Actor Is Born

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The rehearsals were cancelled since the show was cancelled. It was futile to practise for an event that wasn't going to happen. Remus was sitting in his room, hidden inside his blanket cover, watching The Nice Guys on his laptop 7 weeks later. He likes doing this because it makes him feel more secure. Burrowing was his term for it. When Remus's phone pinged, he checked it. It was a message from the school on the rehearsal group chat.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm simply sending this to keep you all informed on the present state of Covid. The show can now begin, according to current covid guidelines. :). We had planned to perform the concert on Thursday October 31st, giving us five weeks to polish it. Could everyone please respond to this message if they are available and willing to perform on this day? We recognise that folks may have plans after school." Remus responded right away, saying that he was available and willing to participate in the show. The rehearsals for the show continued the next day, so Lydia had to email her school to request work to do. They were concentrating on the stunts with Remus, who was presently standing in the middle of the stage on a trapdoor. Lydia decided to video it because she thought it would be humorous.

"Are you ready?"


"Okay." The coach said, "Step on that peg there and it should take you down," and Remus nodded, stepping on a peg to lower the trap door. As the square part of floor began to lower itself and Remus, there was a clunking sound, then a rumble, then a grinding. As we descended, the clanking became louder, and the platform trembled beneath him. "Don't be concerned. It should not produce noise and will be sturdier when we grease up their hinges," he was assured. He made it to the area beneath the stage and called out that he was down and safe. "Okay. You're going to come up extremely fast when I foot on the peg. Jump just as the door closes."

"All okay, that's cool!" Remus was ecstatic as he cheered. The coach performed exactly what he said he would, and Remus was launched into the air, leaping at the last possible moment.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. That was AMAZING!" Remus nodded his head.

"Okay. We'll simply do it a few more times, and then we'll do it for real." Stewart made the announcement. They incorporated it into the choreography after a few more repetitions. On Remus's signal, whomever was closest to the peg was to hoist him up from beneath the stage.

"Holy crap, a ballad already? And such a bold departure from the original source material!" he said and was brought up.

"It's Showtime!" he said as soon as he was raised, assuming a commanding stance with his arms out to the side and his head tilted slightly.

"Woo! Yes! That was fantastic, Remus. You should be pleased with yourself for pulling off that feat!"

"Thanks. I am," he exclaimed, beaming. The following five weeks whizzed past. The rehearsals were increased up to 90 minutes after school and their 30-minute lunch break, with the approval of parents, rather than just 1 hour after school. As a result, they were all given permission to leave class early so that they could all eat during the brief break. It was finally the day of the show before they knew it. Remus went to school as usual, but at the end of the day, he walked into the auditorium with Lydia to go through his lines. To say he was apprehensive is an understatement. His left eye was brightly coloured, with the most Lydia had ever seen in one. He was shaking slightly, as if attempting to calm his emotions, and the colours were electric and grass green, apple red, fire yellow, and gold.

"Hey. Are you alright?" she said, placing her arm around him with a loving grin.

"Scared. The half demon acknowledged, "I just feel like I'm going to ruin everything. But I know it's just my paranoia," he says. I wish I didn't have it. Why couldn't my mother and the guy simply keep me? If they hadn't placed me in foster care, I wouldn't be like this." Remus had completed his speech. When he started weeping, Lydia did her best to calm him.

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