Excerpt #6

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Once again, Daniel walked out into the spotlight to act out the last scene. He knew it by heart by now. Every imbecile line and every overdramatic move. Funny how that happened after performing a scene approximately a million times.

As Prince Ramon, he walked up the stairs and into the throne room. He thrust his sword into the king's throat. He turned around and saw...


... a capybara, wearing a royal crown.

I look at the animal, trying to process what I'm seeing. Is it really who I think it is? Is it possible?

"Father?" I ask, wondering if this could really be the animal form of the man who was thrown into the moat outside the castle about twenty years ago.

The call makes the animal look over at me. We gaze at each other for a moment. And I know the answer, even before a single word is spoken. I recognize myself in those eyes.

Soon, the animal turns into a man who shares my dark luscious curls and blue eyes. A red cloak hangs over his shoulders and heavy gold jewelry adorns his neck. It appeared the clothes had turned into beast as well. I guess that explains how the clothes traveled with me through the waters of the moat.

"Ramon?" he says.

I can only nod, confused and overwhelmed by the moment.

Soon, his arms are around me. A fatherly embrace, like I've never felt before. "I knew you would figure out how to free me," he sobs into my shoulder.

I nod, even though I didn't figure out a thing. I'm still unsure of what is going on.

That's when the throne room becomes illuminated in shimmering light. I look over my father's shoulder to see her. Lucinda. So beautiful, magical, and shimmering.

"I see you did as I told you, Ramon," she says. "You broke your father's curse. Finally." There is a glint in her eyes that is unfamiliar to me. Darkness in the glittering light.

"What do you mean?" I ask intelligently, revealing to my father that I actually haven't figured out squat. He gives me a confused look.

She laughs. A sinister laugh. "You haven't figured it out yet, Ramon?" she asks and moves the slain king's body aside with her glowing foot as she walks up to me.

I shake my head, because what else can I do.

"Well, let me explain to you then, darling." Her glowing hands trace my chest and sparkling lips press to mine. But my insides no longer flutter like butterflies. Because the darkness in her eyes instead makes my stomach churn. "I used to sit on that throne." She points, with a look of greed in her eyes. "But your great-grandfather took the throne from me. And to prevent me from taking it again he had a witch put a curse on the castle itself. The curse stated that as long as a capybara--the animal we fairies fear the most as they're immune to our powers--dwell in the castle, I couldn't enter. Which is why your grandfather and his descendants were also granted with the ability to turn into this dreadful animal at will."

"But you helped me turn into a capybara!" I protest.

"Since you're just a bastard your ability was latent, dear Ramon. I had to help ignite to execute my plan to perfection. Because my plan failed the last time."

"I knew you were behind the rebellion all along," my father sneers. "Wallace was just a pawn in your games."

Lucinda smiles or grins rather. An evil grin. "He was never supposed to rule," she admits. "But since the castle was filled with capybaras I couldn't enter the castle. So I sent Wallace in to chase away the capybaras and kill the king. But, of course, I planned to kill him soon enough and take the throne myself."

Faceclaim (ONC 2022, Completed, Shortlisted)Where stories live. Discover now