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If things sound jumbled it's because ADHD is having trouble lmao

Dream: Wolf hybrid with 10 tails, and of course what he looks like is,drity blonde hair in the dark and bright blonde hair in the sun his hair is to his butt (yes I had to add this.💅🏻(his tails and ears are the same way), emerald green eyes, (not two eyes for long 👀 LMAO) with freckles scattered all around on his face and the rest of his body, and scars littered around his body. (from abuse (#ripdream) and has times of ear piercings and piercings in general. (has hallucination meds and ADHD meds but is forced to take the hallucination meds and not the ADHD)

Christina: (Dreams girlfriend for now techno soon taking her place (but not abusive)
Hyena hybrid she had brown black hair and same with her tail and ears she has very few scars due to dream trying to fight back, and black eyes.

Techno: pglin hybrid,(yes it will have this 💅🏻 deal with it) he has pink long hair that's usually beautifully braided with bands and beads in his hair strands, he has red eyes when his mask is off and white eyes when his mask is on, his ears and tail are pink of course. Has earrings and lip pearcings. (He has ADHD in this but takes meds and never forgets to take them and the voises bother him)

George: Elf? Or just Human? Maybe elf nobody really knows has blue and brown eyes and is color blind and has brown hair and is to his shoulder, he has barely any freckles but he has some, he is dreams and sapnaps best friend and dream fake flirts with him (George knows this)

Sapnap: Blaze hybrid, brown eyes, and he has short but not to short(so medium kinda) black hair, he can also sleep in fire(he's immune to it), Georges and dreams friend. (can't think of anything more lmao)

Karl: Elf hybrid, is Sapnaps boyfriend, (U-U) short light brown hair, has freckles, blue and brown eyes.( Don't know what else to add lmao)

Bad: Demon hybrid, skeppy's boyfriend, has long black hair black eyes, and his tail and horns mach his hair but the outline of the tip of his tail is red, and has rainbow freckles (👀).

Skeppy: diamond elf hybrid, blue hair that's desently short, he has blue/ diamond spots scattered around his body, he has blueish brown eyes.

Sam: creaper hybrid, green furry arms and legs green hair and of course his eyes are black and he has his gass mask.

Ponk: Human, white hair that's down to his ears, he has brown black eyes, he has his usual mask and stuff.

(That's all characters for now this will maybe get updated but yeah)

Also tell me if any of them are not fine with being shipped with the people I have shipped them with because I will take this down for their comfort no problem.

Explaining-the friendships and dating and soon to be dating thing-

Skeppy and Bad(badboyhalo): are dating

Karl and sapnap: are dating happily

Sapnap dream and George: best friends

Techno and Dream: soon to date

Skeppy, Karl, Sapnap, George, Techno, Sam, Ponk, and Dream: Friends

Bad, Karl, Sapnap, George, Techno, Sam, Ponk, and Dream : best friends

Sam and Ponk: dating happily

Dream and Christina: dating for now (I'll update this when they break up (like what chapter they break apart in)

Finished with 582 words (not counting these)

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