Idk what to name this

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So this chapter will include abuse so  ⚠️warning⚠️ for that lol I suck at writing angst so yeah-

3rd person

Dream got home a little later cuz he wanted to chat with the others but Christina was pretty pissed about dream taking extra long (yes they did stay a bit longer to chat I left this out cuz idk lo-)

Sooner or later when he actually went inside he seen Christina with a whip and a few other things Dream instantly tried to hide wich just made his punishment worse Christina immediately grabbed his wrist with a extremely tight grip before he could get away this causing Dream's wrist to bruise. That's when Dream got punches in the stomach and then his hair got grabbed. Soon dreams face had met the floor...

In the morning (3rd person still)

Dream woke up extremely sore and he didn't wanna get up so he just stayed in bed gripping his blanket and hugging them. That's when he got a text from his friends George saying "hey do you guys wanna go hang out later today?" Techno responding with "honestly I'm busy today so nah" Dream was just reading these messages while bad typed "sure George where at tho muffin?" Sam sent a message saying "sure I guess but ponks asleep rn so later" George happily replied to those "ok! It's gonna be at the new store near Dreams" Sapnap texted "actually why hasn't dream replied yet? He's read the messages and hasn't responded yet? That's not like dream do you think he's ok?" Before Sapnap sent that Dream turned his phone off. "Actually why hasn't he? Also he stopped reading the messages? Maybe he fell back asleep?" Skeppy texted

Sooner or later it was midnight and they hadn't heard from Dream Wich worried them a lot but it was getting late so they went to bed.

(Time skip to morning whose pov you might ask? Dreams lmao Dreams pov)

I woke up the next day and go up and dressed then I checked the group chat surprisingly I missed a lot since I shut my phone off but I soon hid my phone because Christina came in right after I hid it. Christina looked like she what mad but not to mad thankfully

"Take your fucking meds idiot." She said giving me my medication wich to be honest I wish I didn't have to take it

"Ok..." I said then took my medication later on

(A few hours later maybe like two)

I hear a loud crash from downstairs I quickly and quietly left my room and looks down the stairs to see Christina and Her friends playing a game I questioned what it was that they were playing but then I saw the screen turns out their playing games on the Aii (known as Wii in our world) and one of them cuz mad and threw the controller breaking a vase luckily is wasn't really important I started to go downstairs and started picking up the mess Christina seemed happy I did this without being asked to-

Sooner or later her friends left wich left me and her alone again.. I had gotten cuts on my hands from picking up the broken glass but she didn't really care. I started walking to the stairs when all of a sudden she said something

"Go cook me something I'm hungry and while your at it clean the dishes. Also you can hang out later with your 'friends' that probably just hang out with you because of pity." Christina said with a harsher tone at the end which made me a bit sad but I did what I was told not wanting to get hurt and not be allowed to hang out with them

I started to head towards my room after I made her and only her food I wasn't really hungry due to the fact of getting used to not eating.

661 words uh thanks for reading and getting to here I went a bit over my goal but that's fine lol well yeah stay safe lol

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