Camping Week (pt. 2)

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Hey this is part two of Camping Week as you can see by the title lol, umm don't really know what to put here but I am gaining a little bit of motivation, so yeah- thanks for reading this and enjoy, also hope y'all are safe and warm- or yeah- but thanks for being patient and enjoy now..

After they got done eating (3rd person)

Dream ran back into the woods taking his food with him "why's he taking the food with him?" George asked "I'll go check if you guys want?" Techno asked kinda "maybe you should?" Bad asked not really knowing if Techno should "ok-" Techno said before walking into the woods a good mile away from Dream.

Few mins later (3rd person maybe whole chapter find out lol)

Techno saw Dream feeding a baby wolf with the rest of the chicken stew. "Here bud" Dream said before sitting next to the baby wolf pup and feeding it.. the wolf pup had been abandoned by it's mother on a trail earlier that morning.. "well that's adorable" Techno thought as he took a few pictures of this adorable moment and started walking back to the others witch was around a 4 minute walk when Techno got back to the camp he showed the others wich George and sapnap thought it was adorable and wholesome. Bad and Skeppy thought it was extremely adorable and cool. Sam was trying to calm down Ponk who was screeching at the adorableness. Sooner or later Ponk calmed down but wanted to ask Sam if they could adopt a baby pup. Soon later Dream came out of the woods with the wolf pup asleep in his hoodie.
(Dream was keeping the pup in his hoodie like holding it there)  Techno thought this was adorable and had a slight blush in his face nobody notices cuz his mask was barely covering it. "Dream! Your back!" Bad said happily not realizing the wolf "yeah!" Dream said before petting the wolf pup with his gloved hands. All of a sudden they heard Karl squealed as he ran and grabbed the baby wolf pup from Dream. "I- my baby-" he said wanting to grab the wolf pup back. "I- Karl give the wolf pup? Back." Sapnap said. Then Karl sadly gave the wolf pup back. "Yay!" Dream squealed petting the wolf pup.

The next day (3rd person)

Dream woke up frist jumping around in trees again but leaving the wolf pup in his tent so it could stay warm... Dream was hoping tree branch to tree branch getting farther away from the camp grounds.

Techno finally woke up and started reading his book. Ponk woke up a bit after going to get food to make for the others. Sam getting wood for night. Skeppy still asleep with Bad cuddling him. (Yes I had to U-U) Sapnap helping Ponk cool while Karl was running around playing tag with George.

  (I haven't come up with a name for the wolf pup or a gender so 💀 help name it I'll put names up next chapte- the one with the most comments will get it)

524  words
Sorry about the slow updates again lol

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