idk what to name this so yeah-

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Thank you people who do read these lol

When the sleepover is over (3rd person)

Everyone (-Dream he's in his room asleep) was in the car but Techno and Christina one Christina wasn't going but Techno is, and Techno is gonna have a talk about something with her.

(Techno's pov)

"Hey Christina can we talk." I asked but in a less asking tone. "I- sure? What do you want to talk about-?" Christina said sounding not to innocent. "Well I wanted to ask about the cuts on dreams hands. What are they from." I asked in my usual monotone voice "oh- well those are from picking up some glass he forgot to wear gloves and got himself cut- if that explains it- he knocked a vase over that's why-" She said sounding kinda nervous. "Ok.. well I best be going there waiting for me in the car..." I said as I grabbed my book and went to the car and got in.

Sam's pov


What took you so long?" I asked "oh sorry couldn't find my book" Techno said back in his monotone voice. "Oh ok well is everyone here?" I ask looking in the review mirror to see them nod and reply with yes or yeah. So I start driving

Time skip to when everyone got to their own home and also back with Dream and Christina (3rd person)

I woke up to Christina opening my door "Did you fucking tell them about me being abusive!?" She yelled. "I- no- why-?" Dream said questioning why she asked this. "Because he asked me why you had cuts on your hands!" She said slightly yelling. "Well I didn't tell him- he just saw them cuz I forgot to put my gloves on" Dream said. "Well you already know that no one else loves you so your lucky you have me." Christina said before leaving the room leaving Dream alone.

318 words- short chapter sorry- I didn't really know what to end it with- but thanks to the people that read these

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