Camping Week (pt. 1)

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Ok so it's been a week since Techno talked to Christina about Dreams hands. Also explaining whats happening is there going camping for a week and Techno is gonna find out more and maybe the others 👀 you'll find out with in the next chapter or so and this one of course. (Also I'll probably upload more on the weekends cuz yeah-)

Sam's pov

We are in the car on our way to the camp sight everyone was pretty excited but Techno he was pretty calm or I think he is- I'm not sure

"So who brought the snacks and food" I heard Sapnap ask "I did!" Bad replied "give!?!" Sapnap asked in a rather demanding way.

When they got there and all set up (Techno's pov)(also it was night by the time they finished setting up)

Yay! Smore time!" Bad screamed happily Wich made everyone get excited "yay!" Dream screeched "what the fu- heck was that?" I asked laughing "what- I having had smores in a while-" Dream replied "i- ok?" I questioned him a bit.

A few moments later (3rd person)

Dream was swinging around in trees he didn't notice he was being watched by a few of his friends (Techno George Sapnap and Bad) "Whoa!" George screached while watching Dream making Dream loose focus and almost fall but hugging onto the very tall tree he was in "I- George! I could've fallen!" Dream screeched "Sorry!" George replied "wtf just happened" Techno said confused cuz he stopped watching a few seconds before George screached. "George screached and it made Dream almost fall-" sapnap explained "well I'm going back to doing this it's fun" Dream said right before jumping to another tree branch to another

At night time (3rd person still)

Techno was up late reading a book near the fire cuz Dream was still out doing things in the trees and went further out "I should I go find Dream it's getting late-" Techno thought just then Dream hopped (?) out of a tree scaring Techno "Jesus- Dream-" Techno said Dream just giggled at that then hopped to his tent and crawled in and zipped it up, Techno was staring at him "i- I'm not gonna question-" Techno said as he got in his own tent and zipped it up

In the morning (still 3rd person I think imma make the rest of this in 3rd person (this chapter-)

Dream woke up frist and left his tent and went back to hopping around in the trees a little later Techno woke up and decided to just read. Sapnap and Karl were cuddling in their tent Sapnap still fast asleep and Karl reading and playing with a stuffed bear. Ponk is making the others food while Sam collected wood for the fire for night time. George was still asleep like always. Skeppy was still asleep Bad was out in the woods watching Dream .
Dream fell out of the tree onto a patch of flowers and grass breaking his fall. Bad ran up to Dream "you okay!?" Bad asked helping Dream up Dream just nodded in response.
"Oooo what you making?" Karl asked having got away from Sapnaps grip. "Oh I'm making chicken stew!" Ponk replied. Sam was looking around having got done getting fire wood. "You guys are up earlier than I'd thought you guys would be" Techno said getting out of his tent with his book still in hand. "Hey Muffins!!" Bad yelled walking out of the woods with Dream still hopping around in trees following him. "Oh hey bad!" Ponk yelled back.

595 words. Also cliffhanger lmao

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