Fair Day

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hey so this is my frist time actually posting chapters OwO so sorry if anything is wrong lol but I'm yeah enjoy also for this you can clearly see where their going for today from the title

•3rd• ^person^ °pov° (I think)

Dream got out of bed sore from being abused last night due to coming home loud while Christina was in a call, but back to now dream remembered today was fair day so he quickly texted Christina who was right now working hoping she gets the text later but soon after got a response of "ok you can go just take your hallucination meds and keep your bloomchat location on while your out." Dream responded with "ok" of course and wich a few seconds after he quickly got dressed and got his mask on he was wearing a green smiley hoodie like usual and black ripped jeans son after he started heading out.

With the others  (Now Georges pov

"We've been waiting here for a good twenty minutes and he's still not out what the hell he takes forever." That last part I said jokingly

"Dude chill I know it's been a while but he probably had to tell his girlfriend" sapnap said in a calm ish voice

"Will you both shut up at least he hasn't taken TWO HOURS LIKE YOU GUYS DID."Techno said point at me, Sapnap, and Karl.

"Sorry-" I said nervous

Suddenly i see dream run out and to the car and getting in

"FINALLY JESUS" I said annoyed

"Sorry I woke up later then usual" Dream said rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"It's fine just don't take this long when it's almost our last day before the fair closes" I said

"Will you shut the fuck up I'm trying to drive" Sam said angry at us, me mainly for being loud cuz music was playing and everyone else wanted to listen to it

"LANGUAGE MUFFIN HEAD" Bad said angry at Sam yelling

"Sorry but their making me mad by yelling and talking over good music that like all of us are listening to-" Sam said trying to explain himself

"It's ok but just next time don't cuss."Bad said understanding the situation

When they finally got to the fair and got out (Bads pov)

I could notice some brusis on Dreams hands but I thought nothing of it cuz I... Idk just thought nothing of it hopefully he's fine tho.

  "Yo guys get out we need to head out before it closes for the day even tho we have like two hours left before it closes"Techno said in his usual monotone voice

  We all got out and went to buy tickets and stuff and we all wanted to go on different rides well not all of us but yeah most of us

  After they got done (3rd person pov)

Dream texted Christina saying they were coming back but little did Dream know was Techno was peaking over Dreams shoulder reading the previous message concerned a bit but not really but then he went back to his business... Sooner or later everyone was back home again

Finished with 526 words
Thank you guys for reading
Aslo the reason why things are in the right left or middle is before the pov or if their talking outloud like somebody's pov is on the left and if it's their mind it's on the right but when it's in the middle it's 3rd person pov lol

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