Hanging Out

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Let's just get to this but yeah have a good day or night or afternoon what ever time zone your in hope y'all are safe lol

When Dream wakes up and starts getting up (Dreams pov)

I wake up to the sound of my door opening Wich I assumed it was Christina but it wasn't surprisingly it was Techno I didn't really think about it plus I didn't have my eyes open all the way so it looked like I was still asleep

Techno's pov

I walked into Dreams room because his girlfriend asked me to wake him up I was surprised by her asking. "But now looking at him with his mask off and him asleep he's kinda cute .... No wait what are you saying he's taken and probably doesn't even like me like that..."

I went over to him and seen his hands..                     "they had cuts on them?" "Maybe he just accidentally broke something and forgot to bandage his hands.. I hope" I shake his arm a bit trying to wake him up
(Btw dream fell back asleep-

"Hey bud wake up"I said out loud I hear a soft groan from Dream as he rolls onto his other side facing away from me "wake up dude. We gotta go." I said again shaking his arm more aggressively I hear a soft whine from Dream."dude. Wake up we gotta go."I said again more annoyed and shaking him aggressively until I hear him say "fuck off." Dream said as he rolled into his stomach"Dream you gotta wake up. Well get up. We're hanging out today for Aii." As soon as I say that Dream sits up rubbing his eyes "fine- fine.."dream said yawning at the last bit "when did you go to bed-" I said questioning why he was so tired "like 2? Maybe idk " Dream said "well let's go downstairs so we can finally play the Aii" I said, after I said that dream got up and put his mask on I looked him up and down he was just in his boxers and a hoodie but for some reason he had bruises on his legs and cuts...

When they get downstairs with everyone else and Dreams dressed (Techno's pov still)

"You Dream your finally up! Ehat took you so long?" Sapnap said "Yeah- sorry I was tired" Dream said surprisingly excited "let's just play the Aii already." George said with a hint of anger in his tone I didn't know why tho.

While playing (3rd person)

Dream won the first game "HEY HOW. YOU CHEATED DIDN'T YOU!!" George said jokingly everyone except Christina was laughing. "Can you guys quit yelling I have work. And it's annoying so will you guys be quiet." Christina said extremely pissed. "Sorry! I forgot about you working at home!" Sapnap said kindly "thank you but shut up now so I can get back to work." Christina said a bit to harsh Techno thought her behavior was a bit strange. Christina soon left and went back to work tho thankfully. "Sorry about her- she's kinda harsh went working" Dream said kindly "it's fine Dream" sapnap said.

Few hours later (3rd person still)

Dream was asleep on the floor curled up into a ball. Sapnap was asleep on a blanket cuz he had good body heat already so he didn't need any blankets really on him but Karl was laying by him covered up. Techno was just reading a book. Bad and skeppy we're cuddling on the couch both asleep sitting up. Sam and Ponk we're cuddling on the floor both asleep.

(Techno's pov)

"Everyone was asleep surprisingly I didn't think it'd turn into a sleep over but it did"  I look over at Dream who's peacefully sleeping surprisingly he didn't have a blanket but it's fine "he's cute while he's asleep... Wait no don't think that" I go back to reading my book

(Christina pov (finally lmao)

"I didn't know y'all were having a sleep over?" I said out loud "yeah- I didn't know either but George suggested it so we just went with it- sorry for not telling you" the strange man (Techno,-) said in a surprisingly monotone voice "oh- well I just got done with work also how long are you guys staying?" I asked hesitant not wanting to slip up and share to much "oh I think another day idk depends on if the others want to" the strange man said again "oh ok well if you need any food just check the fridge" I said kinda regretting it cuz it has barely any food in it. "Well imma go to bed now so bye." I said quickly walking up the stairs and going to my room.

Techno's pov

"Well that was weird" I thought in my head "welp I should head to bed now- it's getting late it's like 2:00 am surprisingly" I said closing my book soon after and leaning back a bit soon falling asleep

Christina pov

"Well he was kinda hot. I wish I was with him instead of Dream. Eh  he's going to bed so soon? Well that sucks" I thought slowly actually going to my bedroom, and going to bed

Welp finished with 871 words thanks for reading lol my goal was 900 or more but meh that's all I could think of for this chapter

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