Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My fingers run along a large log that stretches on the right side of the great round room. It had recently been cut down, sap still seeps from the cut edges. I frown, practically feeling the life leave the tree limb. The rest of the room is made of wood as well – all the furniture, all the junk that litters the top of surfaces and edges of the room. Some of the junk seems to be old relics, mostly human, that may be ancient. In the middle of the room is a rectangular table with three seats on both sides and a crudely made throne at one end against a wall. Candles light up the room, their wax dripping down onto the hard, smooth surface of the table.

Peter sits on the throne with one leg dangling over the right arm of the chair. He has a big smile on his face as he watches me explore my new environment. We haven't said much since our conversation before, but for some reason, it doesn't feel awkward.

When Peter mentioned boys, I had thought of younger children and maybe an adult or two. I glance at Peter from over my shoulder and notice he quickly looks away from me, his smile gone and his eyes pretending to be distracted by something.

"Are there any adults here?"

"No!" Peter shouts, his eyes back to me and full of disgust.

I bring both hands up in surrender, "sorry."

"It's just me and the boys. The Lost Boys, that is." Peter gets up and removes a sword from a wooden barrel next to the throne. He waves it up and starts to pretend to be fighting someone in front of him.

"Then where are these boys?" I have yet to see another life beyond Peter and me.

He slams the sword into the table and it sticks where he lands it. He cups his hands around his lips and crows loudly. I clamp my hands over my ears to prevent the sound from hurting me, but it still gets through. His hands fall to his hips and he grins.

The sound of shuffling and racing can be heard from separate rooms attached to this one. Four doors are attached to this round room, and I have yet to explore any further than where we are. For each door, a boy comes out and gathers in a straight line from shortest to tallest with their hands at their sides and backs straight with their heads held high. They all act calm except for the smallest, who begins to giggle. Peter shoots him a glare and the boy immediately stops. Peter stays stern, his eyes narrowed and his chest held up front, but then he breaks and starts to chuckle. The other boys follow in the laughter except for the tallest.

The tallest has the same shade of hair as Peter, but dull brown eyes that stare at me with a little disgust. I shrink back from his look and wonder what I had done to deserve such a glare. But then I realize. They are all human. And the tallest couldn't be any older than Peter as well. Peter appears to be fifteen. Which doesn't surprise me with how he acts.

They all wear similar attire. Ragged clothes underneath leaves and vines. At least they aren't partially nude like Peter is.

Peter clears his throat and goes back to standing straight with his chest out. "Introduce yourselves."

"I am Pint," the smallest smiles. He couldn't be any older than five.

"I am Weasel," says the second smallest. He must be eight.

"I am Rets," chuckles the second tallest. At least ten.

"Nick," scowls the tallest.

"You are the elf girl Peter always talks about," Pint says, pointing his finger at me.

These kids are so young. Where did they come from? Are they like Peter? Can they fly and talk to faeries?

"Can they fly?"

"They can with faerie dust, but they don't." Peter drops his hands from his hips and walks up to me. I am less inclined to step away from him. Instead, I let his aura of pride take over me. It has me shuddering.

"And you want me here because?" I lift a brow and look up just the slightest into his blue eyes. They are full of wonder and innocence. There is a butterfly in my stomach, fluttering away and making me feel weird.

"Like I said, to sing to us." Peter smiles.

I pull my eyes from Peter's and look over at the boys. Three of them get on their knees, except for Nick, and place their hands in front of them as if they are to beg. "Please sing to us."

My eyes find their way back to Peter once again, but this time I glare up at him. "You did plan this."

He smiles coyly and innocently shrugs.

What am I to do? I can't just stay here. My father and his guards will be out looking for me the moment they notice I am gone. If they find me here, they may kill Peter and these boys. And though, I hate humans-they have yet to have done anything to harm me.


If I stay I won't have to marry. I won't be stuck with the same responsibilities as the daughter of the Elder. I'd be free. That's all I have ever wanted. I didn't choose the life given to me, and I wouldn't choose it if I had the choice. Maybe I can stay for a little while? I'd have to fight my father to protect these humans from being harmed.

"I guess I can sing to you."

"And have great adventures!" Peter adds.

I narrow my eyes at him once again. "Yes, and adventures."

Peter steps back and grins, a little twinkle in his blue eyes. "I shall be your King and you, my Queen."

"I don't think you know what that means." I cross my arms sternly.

"Of course I do!" He swings his arms back

"It means we'll be married."

Peter's smile falters the slightest but doesn't quite disturb the upturn of his lips. "It's just pretend."

Pretend. Just pretend. There is a subtle pinch in my heart that I can't explain. But as I glance at all the boys, including Peter, I can't help the small smile that spreads across my face.

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