Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The rest of the beginning of the night was spent in the common room, where I sang different tales to the boys, including Peter. They all sit with their legs crossed, heads in their hands, and eyes up on me. Smiles grace all their faces even as I speak in my Elvish tongue. After a little bit, the Lost Boys fall asleep on the floor, except for Peter who sits still with a wide smile on his face.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Only a little." He replies.

"Where will I sleep?"

Peter gets up and points to the ceiling. "In my room."

Heat forms on my cheeks. "Then, what about you?"

He crosses his arms and grins. "We will be sharing a bed. You can continue singing to me until I fall asleep."

"Is that so?" I question, getting up and heading for the ladder. When I reach Peter's room, the candle lights have dimmed down some, causing shadows of all the furniture and stumps to dance on the walls. It's peaceful. The wind blows subtly through the window, and the ocean can be seen from across the room. I sit on the bed, the leaves and moss squish underneath my weight.

Peter flies up into the room and makes his way to the side of the bed nearest to the wall. He slowly floats down onto his back, his hands behind his head and his feet crossed.

I roll onto my back and cross my feet as well but my hands remain on my stomach. My eyes shoot over to Peter. He watches me with a smile.

"If I am staying here," I start, leaning up onto my elbow and facing him. "Would you take me to Neverland one day?"

He's taken aback. His eyes are round and full of surprise, but the smile doesn't leave. "Of course. You'll need to learn to fly."

I frown. "Is there no other way for us to get there?"

"By boat," Peter says while looking away from me, his smile faltering.

"What's wrong with a boat?"

"Pirates travel by boat and pirates are my enemy."

"Not everyone that travels by boat are pirates," I assure, resting myself on my belly with my chin on top of my folded hands.

He looks down at me with a sadness in his eyes that I haven't seen before. It almost looks like tears are welling up in the corners of his eyes but I can't see them too well in this dim lighting.

"What's wrong?" A deep sorrow builds in the pit of my stomach, tangling all my intestines and making me feel ill. Though he's cute when he's sad, I don't like seeing him this way.

He quickly snaps his eyes away again. "Nothing."

For a brief second, we remain in silence, me watching him carefully as he stares up at the ceiling trying not to cry. He rolls over to me; his head being held up by his hand. "What is it that you want?"

"What I want?" I blink a couple of times in surprise. My mind swims with ideas but none truly catch me. Then I think of Peter and how he lies next to me so easily and comfortably. Until Peter, I have never been this close to anyone before. When I am around him I feel light and happy even though he kidnapped me.

My father pops up in my mind. I am his only child. The one who's supposed to take his place as Elder one day and take leadership over our clan. It's something I was born into but never wanted.

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