Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Peter's POV

The wind beats against my eyes, drying them but the tears won't stop falling. The smoggy air sticks me my skin like a thin layer of sweat, which only worsens as I dip down into the cloud line. Tink flies close beside me. She tries to comfort me but I can't stop thinking about Lahona and what she said. Slowly I lower down to a building with an open window. The lamp lights inside glow dimly upon Wendy who sleeps in her favorite rocking chair with a book in her lap. Her child, asleep in Wendy's old bed.

I wipe my eyes, sniffling to keep my nose from running. This has to be done. Not just for Lahona but for me. I need to do this.

"Wendy, it's time I let you go," I whisper.

Tink chimes at my side, encouraging me. I reach up to the window and pull it down bit by bit and as softly as I can so not to make a noise. With every inch that it closes a heavy weight lifts from my shoulders until it finally shuts. Relief. I feel utter relief. Sighing, I shake off the dreary emotions from me. I may be letting her go, but I can still have our memories. A smile spreads across my face.

Happy thoughts of seeing Lahona fill my mind. She's probably asleep by now in my bed. This has me grinning. Time to go home.

"Bye, Wendy." Turning from the window, I wave a final goodbye and then shoot off into the sky towards the second star to the right.


My feet land silently on top of the branch just outside my window. The sun will rise soon and so will the Lost Boys and Lahona. Maybe I will take her back to the Lagoon and finally teach her how to swim. With newfound excitement, I speedily walk into the room.

"Lahona-..." When I look around, she's nowhere in sight.

My brows furrow and my eyes narrow. Could she be up already? Rushing to the ladder, I float down and land in the common room. The Lost Boys are still asleep on the floor and the candle lights are out. I check all the other rooms in a hurry but she's in none of them either.

Did the human find her? Or that man she was supposed to marry? Or even Hook?"

I slam out the front door and leap into the air, bursting towards the elven city deep in the forest. Popping my head through the canopy of trees I search for anyone who's wandering on the ground below and find she's not there either. So I sneak through the canopies to her bedroom and peer from around the window. The room is dark and empty.

A foul taste develops in my mouth. Something isn't right.

Zipping back into the sky I head for the sea. Not far off from the human harbor is the Jolly Roger, right where I found her and Hook. I didn't finish our fight because I wanted to see if Lahona got back safely but she wasn't at the hideout when I first looked. Lowering down by the starboard side of the boat. I wave at the gathering crowd of pirates that point and scream my name. Some ready the cannons but wait for the order. Hook comes rushing out of his cabin, his eyes burning red as he approaches my side of the boat.

"Where is she?"

"You're precious Lahona? Not here."

There is an aching where my heart is and I shake from the pain.

"Awe, you can't find her? Maybe she left you just as Wendy did. After all, in this part of the world, humans, and elves can't be together." Hook sneers.

"She wouldn't!" I yell, but the images of Wendy and my last moments flash in my mind. She chose a life of adulthood over me. But Lahona is different. She never once mentioned wanting to go back to her father or her city.

The last I saw Lahona, she looked crushed. I wanted to wipe away her tears but I didn't want to hear anymore, I wanted to forget the pain Wendy put me through. I should have told her the truth. I should have said she's different than Wendy – we had different adventures and I have different feelings. I never felt so warm with anyone but her.

"She did leave, Peter. What did you do to cause her to run away, like Wendy?"

I shake my head frantically. "No, you're wrong!" I blast into the sky and head for the lagoon. It takes me seconds to reach it, and only a second to fly through the cave. The crystals light my way, dampening my mood with their dark lighting. Landing next to the decrypted castle, I peer through one of the broken windows but all I see is the empty ballroom. My mind filters us dancing together in the middle of the room. She was so close to me that I could feel her fast heartbeat.

Glancing to my right at the lagoon where we swam, I can see us in the water. I am holding her afloat, her arms tight around my neck and her sweet breath on my skin. It made me nervous being so close to her but I couldn't stop staring into her bright green eyes.

Where could she be?

I head back to the hideout, hovering down into my room through the window and landing in the center. The sun is rising over the horizon, blasting a yellowish-orange light into the room. Even with the warmth of the sun, it feels empty. She's not here. She's gone.

The thumping of my heart beats in my ears and I feel like screaming. Tears burn at the corners of my eyes as I squint them, trying to keep them from falling. Kneeling to my knees, I slam my fists into the hardwood floor. The light of the sun goes out, and the wind picks up and blows around the room. Thunder booms off in the distance. Before I know it, it's pouring outside and the scent of rain fills the room.

I need to find her.

I will find her.

::Thank you for reading. I will be working on the second fanfic to this one soon! Please leave comments below on what you think and what you may like to see in the second fanfic!::

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