Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Lost Boys stayed behind while Peter and I traveled along the lagoon to the decrypted castle. Peter keeps on the ground with me, our arms almost brushing together as we walk. Tinkerbell flies overhead, her faerie dust shimmering down to the ground as she drifts on. When I glance up at him, I notice he looks away but not fast enough for me not to see. He's been watching me for most of the day and I wonder why.

Does he think I will run away? Do I intrigue him in some way?

I bite my lip, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. "What was your favorite song that I had sung?"

He looks back at me but he's not smiling. He looks content. "It was in your language; I don't know the name of it."

"Oh?" I raise a brow and try to imagine which one it could be. I know lots of Elvish songs. They are mostly lullabies to put children to sleep but they are generally stories. "Then I have no idea which one it could be."

"Your language is very beautiful, not like the faeries."

"Is the faerie language ugly or something?"

He snickers. "No. They just move a lot when they talk," he leans in towards me and whispers. "It can get a little annoying."

I sneak a glimpse up at Tinkerbell but she doesn't seem to notice Peter talking about her. With how close we've become, our arms touch as we walk. The wetness of my dress dampens his skin but he doesn't look bothered by it.

We stay in silence the rest of the way to the castle, and once we reach the towering building we walk up the grand steps that are in front of the entrance. There are stones here and there from the crumbling mass and its dead silent.

"Hello?" Peter calls out with a smile. His voice echoes throughout the cavern. He chuckles to himself.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask, confused. Did he think people still lived here?

"Don't want to disturb the spirits."


He just smiles back at me. I've begun to notice that he smiles with his lips mostly, hardly ever showing off his teeth. It makes him look young and innocent, but I think he does that on purpose. He walks up to the entrance and waves for me to follow. I quicken my speed and catch up to him as he enters the first room. It's a small room with a high ceiling that has a few doors that are cracked open. It looks like whoever lived here left in a hurry.

We pick the door that's ahead of us that enters into a large ballroom. The ceiling is missing here so the green and blue lights of the crystals above shine down to the stone ground.

Peter walks to the center of the room and turns to me. "Will you dance with me?" He bows as he has before, and like before, he stretches out his hand for me to grab.

I try not to smile, but I can't help it. Peter just shines. He knows what to say and what to do. I step forward and take his hand. His is warm and still sends jitters of heat throughout my body. I am starting to think something is wrong with me whenever the heat goes through me. When our hands meet, he pulls me in quickly and our chests bump into each other. He wraps his other arm around my waist and starts to step us back and forth to the silence.

The blue and green light plays on his face but never changes the way he looks down at me. I start to hum to our movements to break the silence and when I do, he smiles. He pushes me softly away and twirls me with our hands together, and then pulls me back against him.

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