chapter five

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Your heart stuttered in your chest as your legs pumped rapidly, the muscles wearing out. With what little energy you had left, you pushed yourself as fast as you could, just a few more steps to go. You were just at Porco's heel, and—

He passed the tall tree a mere second before you, throwing his arms up in triumph. You groaned, hating the arrogant glint that never failed to appear in his eyes when you lost to him in a race.

"Hey, I think you actually might be getting faster." Porco smirked once you tapped the tree that you had designated as the finish-line. "Not quite there though."

You scowled, placing your hands on top of your head to catch your breath. Your legs were burning, and your lungs felt like they were going to cave in on you as you tried to slow your inhales and exhales. "I was only three steps behind you, asshole!"

He shrugged. "It wasn't even a competition. I was barely jogging. The only day you'll be able to beat me is if you're racing my corpse." Porco gave you a cocky grin.

"I've beat you before," you countered, but really, you weren't sure if that was true. It didn't matter, anyway. You were always close enough, and you would continue to chalk it up to Porco having the power of the Jaw Titan, even though he claimed it was a fair race.

"If you say so," Porco answered placatingly. He sat down clumsily next to the tree, stretching his legs out in front of him.

The days that led up to the mission were spent training with Porco, who you'd seen only a few times over the course of this week. Things were getting chaotic again at headquarters with the new mission ahead, and you found yourself unable to relax. Porco, obviously, had sensed your anxieties, but you continued to skirt around the issue, unwilling to speak with him about it—everyone else seemed so unfazed compared to you.

You were used to the Warriors leaving for extended durations, but you couldn't help but feel more tense about this mission. Of course, it was probably because you were going to be part of the operation as well; it was harder to push the violence away from your mind and pretend that no one was in any danger.

At least you still had a day to go until then. Twenty-four hours to calm your nerves and remind yourself that everything was going to be alright.

After your heart-rate had slowed to a somewhat normal rate, you plopped to the ground next to your best friend. You pulled at the sleeve of your shirt to wipe the cooling sweat from your forehead, your breathing growing quiet as the seconds passed.

The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, taking in the eerie atmosphere. It was late, and the sky was littered with stars.

Sometimes, you forgot how quiet it could get when you were on the outskirts of the city. No noisy cars rumbling down the street, no people shouting as they walked home drunk—just complete silence.

"There's no reason to be nervous," Porco finally said, turning his head to look at you as you swallowed, embarrassed. You thought you'd been better about keeping your feelings hidden, but this was Porco, and he'd known you for years. "I can tell that you are."

You sighed, wondering if your emotions were written all over your face. "Yeah, well, I never get sent out there with the rest of you," you said, your words laced with venom, even though you didn't mean to sound harsh. Porco didn't bat an eye. He was used to your bitter tone when you were under pressure. "What if something happens... I feel like I'll be the one responsible."

"Nothing bad is going to happen," he said, bumping his shoulder against your own. "I promise. It'll be a piece of cake. We'll be in and out of there, and the enemies will retreat."

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