chapter ten

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It took minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness as you blinked them open once more. You were lying on your side, your ear pressed into the pillow. A sore spot had already formed in your shoulder.

There was a rustling across the room, a shadow moving around. You squinted, just able to make out the shape of Reiner, who was tying up his boots quickly, coat already slung over his shoulder.

At the sight of him, you were wide awake, your chest already beginning to ache with nerves.

You shifted in the bed, your mind snapping into alertness. For just a few moments, you'd completely forgotten where you were, but those moments passed quickly. Everything was still a bit foggy from the deep sleep that you'd fallen into, one that was unsuspected at that.

Reiner turned as you sat up abruptly and swung your legs off the side of the bed.

"I was just about to wake you," he said quietly, resuming his task. Once he finished lacing up his other boot, he stood, his back straighter than usual. You could already see the shift in his aura, the shift from the usual man that was so kind and gentle towards you, to the Vice Chief persona that almost everyone else saw. "It's time for me to go. Porco and Zeke both left already, but Pieck's still here as far as I know."

"Pieck and I are leaving together, then?" you asked, your voice hoarse as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You didn't mind making the journey on your own but having your friend with you certainly tamed your worries towards the mission.

Reiner watched you carefully. "Of course. She wouldn't leave without you."

You nodded, your stomach dropping in distress once more. If Pieck was already awake, she'd likely noticed your absence and figured out that you'd obviously slept in another room.

You briefly panicked, trying to decide what you would say to her. There was always the option of lying, but Pieck was incredibly perceptive. If you told her you'd gone to Porco's room, she would know right off the bat that you weren't telling the truth. Not to mention she would certainly bring it up with him, towing yet another person into your lie.

You rubbed your hands across your forehead, then down your temples, a steady pain already flowering there. Of course, there was a slight chance that she wouldn't even ask. Your whereabouts of the evening certainly weren't important considering the situation at hand.

After another moment of silent, thoughtful panic, you forced all thoughts aside. It wasn't a big deal, and it would be ridiculous for Pieck to make it one. Though, you knew she was already suspicious of you and Reiner, and you were worried that this would reinforce the false narrative she had begun to spin in her head.

Reiner made his way to the door.

"I have to go now," he said quietly after you didn't respond to his previous statement. His eyebrows were drawn together, lips pulled down in a frown. "Will you be alright?"

Glancing up at him, your hands fell away from your head, resting together on your lap. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" You forced a smile.

Reiner shrugged, but his dismal expression remained. "I just wanted to check before I left." He grabbed his bag off the floor, slinging it over his shoulders. To outsiders, it looked like any regular backpack, but you knew that it was anything but—all the gear needed for the mission was shoved in there. "I guess we'll see each other later, then?"

"I guess so." You rose to your feet. The rendezvous point was about five miles into the forest, where you would all meet up again. Although you were beginning to feel like a small child, always having to have one of the others with you, it made sense. If any of them got injured, they would heal. If they were in danger, they could transform. Your body was limited to natural human capabilities. "Be safe out there."

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