chapter nine

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It surprised you how easily you were able to sneak in undetected.

Once the train ride had taken you to the borders of Marley, you'd been able to fit in with a group of weary travelers looking for refuge. You weren't sure if it was the drained expressions on all your faces, but the five of you crossed into enemy territory without so much as a suspicious glance.

Although you'd been training for weeks for this mission, you still found it difficult to stay composed under the conditions. It seemed like everyone else was much more relaxed than you, no tension pulling their shoulders.

Pieck was as charismatic as usual, easily convincing everyone around her that she was just a normal young woman travelling alone. She made conversation with the strangers easily, a graceful smile on her face.

Each of you prepared a story for your trip, in the case that you were questioned by an official.

Pieck opted for a solitary trip, Porco and Zeke were going under the guise of cousins, and you and Reiner were travelling together. You all figured it would be easier to remain unnoticed if you weren't taking the journey as a group.

While you had prepared endlessly, thinking of anything that could possibly go wrong, you were still surprised by how easily you were able to board the ship. After producing the falsified documents, you'd been allowed transport, the ship carrying citizens from all different walks of life around the continent.

You were dressed in the plainclothes of the middle-class individuals that were travelling alongside you, your Marleyan uniforms left behind.

It was clear that no one suspected you. Still, a part of you felt like you had a sign above your forehead that spelled out exactly who you were—that the story you hid behind was a fake one.

For the next twenty-four hours, the five of you split up amongst the ship, wanting to be seen together as little as possible. It wasn't until that morning that you spotted your friends; everyone was gathered on the deck as you got closer to shore.

You were leaning up against the railing, scanning the deck thoughtfully.

Pieck was in your line of sight, just across from you with a group of young women, but you still hadn't been able to find Porco or Zeke. They were fine; rationally, you knew that they were. Still, it was hard to be certain when you hadn't seen them in an entire day.

You watched behind the boat as it dragged along the water, disrupting the glass-like image with rough waves. Out here, away from the ports and busy cities, the sea was much bluer, and the sun made it shine like an endless collection of sapphires.

Beside you, Reiner made small talk with a man that had approached him nearly twenty minutes earlier, seemingly infatuated with conversing with him. He was short and round, and his entire face lit up under the brim of his hat when he laughed at his own jokes. There was a cigar burning between his fingers, the smoke blowing in your direction from the wind.

You pursed your lips, his brassy voice piercing your ears unpleasantly. You were hardly paying attention, saying as little as possible, but still, you willed the ship to speed up and dock so the man would finally leave you alone.

Normally, you were fine with small talk, but knowing what was ahead put you on edge. Your mind was only working at half its speed, and the conversation wasn't exciting enough to hold your interest completely.

"Have you had any seasickness, miss?" the older man spoke to you directly, abruptly pulling you out of your thoughts.

You divert your attention to him, turning so that your back was against the railing instead. Briefly, your elbow grazed Reiner's arm, and you'd realized how close you'd been standing to him.

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