Bonus: Online Class Scenarios

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Peter: But Aunt May I don't wanna attend my online class in the tower.

May: Sweetie, you know I'll be gone for a while because of work and I already talked to Tony, Pepper and Happy about you staying there.

May: Besides they have better Wifi.

Peter: Aunt May do you really want me to focus in my class?

May: Peter, I'm more worried about you being alone.

May: And Friday will send reports to me if you attend your classes and if there's any trouble or if someone's bothering you while your studying.

May: I say it's win-win

Peter: For you! But how about for me?

Mr. Harrington: Okay, I want all your microphones and cameras to be open at all times. I want to make sure you are not using that recorded trick on me. So, stay somewhere quiet.

30 minutes into the class, gunshots and cursing were blaring out of each of everyone's computer and laptops

Mr. Harrington: Okaaay.... what's happening?

Betty: The noise is coming from Peter's microphone.

Peter: Uhhh.... it's New York..... It wouldn't be a Monday without some crime happening.....

Ned: Nice, good excuse.

Peter: Dude!

While Peter was busy because of the on going lecture. Bucky and Sam were sneaking behind him, of course in disguise. Like the two were ready to rob a bank and stuff.

MJ: Ah...Loser....

Peter looked up to the camera to check, all of his classmate were looking directly at their camera, when he saw the two figure behind him in the screen he was ready to attack but Bucky got a hold of him and Sam took care of carrying Peter's feet.

Everyone in Peter's class where all panicking to see Peter getting kidnapped. Assuming the worse because they heard gunshots awhile ago.

Mr. Harrington was ready to call the police when Peter burst into the room, looking disheveled.

Mr. Harrington: Peter, what's happening?! Who were does people?

Peter: It's okay...the police who live down the block took care of it....

Peter: We can continue with the class

Mr. Harrington: It's okay Peter you can skip—-

Peter: No, I'm good

Peter: It was not all.
Clint, fell down the vent in Peter's room.

Clint, while aiming an arrow at Peter's head: Hey yeah Peteeeeer~~~

Peter: Not now, I beg you

Clint: You call that begging.

Peter: I'm serious... I have class.

Clint: Class? Oh! oh! You have a crush in your class right?!

Clint: What's her name again??

Peter: No, I don't—

Clint: Oh right, you call her —-

Peter, tackling Clint to the ground:

Clint: AHHHHH!


Natasha: Clint for the fcking last time! Stop bothering Peter while he's in class!

Flash: Mr. Harrington! Parker's using green screen!

MJ: Shut up Flash!

Natasha: Peter

Peter:...I'm in the middle of class Ms. Romanoff

Wanda: We know, we brought you some snacks.

Peter: That looks like a meal....good for 5....

Natasha: You need to eat more.

Wanda: We don't know what you would like so we made a little bit of everything. Bucky is making desserts.

Peter: I appreciate this, really I do but You guys have interrupted my class for the nth time today....

Natasha, looking at Peter's laptop: Well, I don't think your teachers you?

Mr. Warren, sweating and shaking: No, not at all. Disturb away Mam

Steve: Wait, so you mean to tell me that you made students attend class, online, because you need to fix something that you, teachers, did?

Steve: yeah, no. You can't do that. The actual fuck.

Peter: Cap—

Steve: You are not attending this class.

Peter: You can't actually do that——-

Steve: I—-

The Avengers: *ehem*

Steve: We are your guardians until your aunt gets back from her out of town trip.

Steve: And when I—-

The Avengers: *ehem*

Steve: and when we say you are not attending class, then you are not attending class

Peter: eh I'm okay with that,

Peter: Just that, you are gonna explain this to Aunt May

Peter: and let me tell you, she will not be happy

Steve: Don't worry we—-

Tony: No, this is the part where you say "I"

May: So, you mean to tell me... that Captain America... the PSA guy? Doesn't want you to attend your online classes?

Peter: He hates really....he smashed Mr. Stark's coffee machine once because he doesn't know how to make coffee with it....

Peter: Mr. Stark made him pay

Peter: With cash....


Peter: I know, I was shock too.

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