When you accidentally or he lets you see his "little friend"

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Jeff: You had just gotten home and decided to take a shower. You went upstairs grabbed some clean clothes and went to the bathroom. The second you opened the bathroom door you seen Jeff standing there and you can see he was not clothed. Nope your loving smiling killer was completely clothe-less and you couldn't help but stare. You went from his soaking wet hair, to his shocked expression, to his toned abs and then you seen his little friend standing straight up. You blushed and darted out of the bathroom, to your room, locked the door and hid embarrassed.

E.J: You had just bought swimsuits for you and Jack without knowing what size to get him. When he put them on they seemed to fit just fine making you sigh in relief and him to chuckle warmly. "Don't worry it's not your fault I didn't have a pair" He said warmly kissing your forehead and walking out to your backyard in his human form. You raced out behind him and jumped into the pool splashing him "Oh it's on!" He smirked and ran back inside. He raced out side and jumped into the pool with enough force splashing you harder then you splashed him. He stood up his waist barely coming out of the water and that's when you seen it. His shorts were off and his little friend was out. You climbed out of the pool blushing and bleeding from the nose embarrassed.

Masky: You wanted to take a shower, Tim wanted to take a shower and he decided since you two were dating it wouldn't be an issue for you to shower together. He was the first in since you were hesitant and finally you climbed in trying not to look at him as he wrapped his arms around you. "You don't have to be shy Strawberry" He said gently and kissed the top of your head "I-I just don't wanna see "it"."you replied. "It?" He questioned "Oh!" He laughed making you blush darker and turn to face him hitting his chest playfully. "Just look strawberry it'll be fine" He said softly and caressed your cheek. You nodded and looked getting a nosebleed causing him to chuckle.

Hoodie: You were used to seeing him shirtless while training or working out with his best friend Tim but nothing ever besides that. Today however stressed and annoyed from work he dragged you to the bathroom, stripped you both and brought you into the shower with him. "B-Brian I-I don't know about this.." You mumbled nervously as he kissed your forehead and played with your hair "Why's that babe?" He asked "I don't wanna see "it" yet I'm not comfortable with it yet.." you replied. He chuckled softly and pecked your lips "That's alright you don't have to look" He stated softly "T-Thank you." You mumbled. You never seen it on accident or on purpose the end.

Ben: You were playing your favorite competitive game when you felt ben start massaging your shoulders "Wanna play together and see who the better player is?" He asked. "A-As long as you don't use your powers to cheat then sure!" You replied and he picked up your other controller "And to make things more interesting the looser has to strip naked!" He stated with a smirk. You blushed and nodded nervously as he sat down next to you.
~Time skip~
You did it you won after 10 agonizingly difficult rounds and jumped up cheering "Well you did it you won" He sighed softly acting defeated as he stood up "I'll hold up the deal" He continued. You looked at him remembering what the looser had to do as he stripped naked "Well do you like what you see?" He asked with a smirk. You got a bloody nose, blushed a dark shade of red and threw a pillow at him yelling at him to get dressed.

Jason: Never. He never let you see it. Your too innocent and precious for him to let that happen and he made sure you never seen it on accident or on purpose.

Lui/Sully: You were sitting on the couch watching a movie when lui walked out into the living room and in front of you. "Hey sexy~!" Sully purred in that deep voice of his and Liu's "Hey babe what's up?" You asked a little annoyed that he had blocked your movie. He smirked, unzipped his pants, and whipped his friend out in full view causing you to blush and bleed from the nose. You seen his facial expression changed into a shocked one as he put it away and blushed darkly "Dammit Sully!" Lui mumbled in his normal tone.

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