When you find out he kills 🙀

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Jeff: You had heard story's about Jeff and had seen pictures of him in the news so yeah you already knew he was a killer before you met.

Jack: He literally admitted to trying to take your kidneys the night you met. He crept into your room isn't that obvious enough for ya?

Masky: You were working and told to take the trash out to the dumpster. When you got out there you saw your loving boyfriend back there. But something seemed different about him considering he was standing over a person lying on the ground. The sun hit an object in his hand at just the right angle to reveal a knife covered in blood. "T-Tim!" You stuttered and he turned to look at you "Y-Yn? No you weren't supposed to find out!" He stated. You were so scared you fainted right there.

Hoodie: You met him in a forest while he's walking around wearing a black ski mask caring a freakin gun and he pressed it against your back. That was a big hint that he killed people.

Ben: He talks about it non-stop and you've heard story's about people dying after talking to him on clever bot.

Jason:   You had just got home from college and entered the store. You went into the back where the toys were made but couldn't find Jason anywhere. You decided to check his private little office where he worked secretly on toys for you. You knocked but there was no answer so you daringly opened the door and saw the most horrific site ever. There on a table was a dead body and it looked like it's skin and limbs were being replaced by plastic. "Y/N!?" You heard Jason gasp and turned to face him. Before he could say another word you immediately fainted.

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