When he wants to cuddle

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Jeff: You were cleaning the house when Jeff came home from his killing spree. He looked exhausted and he walked over to you. He pecked you on the lips and picked you up. "We're cuddling no buts about it!" He stated sternly and laid you down in bed holding you in his arms.

Jack: You were doing homework that was very important and due the next day. But as you were doing it jack came home from hunting for his kidneys and wanted to cuddle. He picked you up from your chair and laid you on the bed with him holding you tightly in his arms.

Masky: You had just got off of work and you were very tired. You didn't want to be bothered and you didn't expect Tim to be home since he works the night shift at some place you couldn't remember the name of. However what you didn't know was he had been under covers waiting on you to lay down so he could wrap his arms around you and cuddle with you. His plan succeeded but you were too tired to notice.

Hoodie:   You guys were watching a movie and hoodie purposely picked a scary movie. He picked a scary movie as an excuse to cuddle with you because he wasn't use to this romance thing yet and was to embarrassed to ask. Since it was so scary you cowered in his arms.

Ben:   You were playing video games and Ben was watching. He seen how you were struggling with a specific level of (F/VG) and took the controller. He beat the level for you while pointing at why you were having such difficulty. When he finished he gave the controller back to you and then picked you up setting you in his lap. Cuddling you while you played to keep you calm.

Jason:   You just got home from school to find Jason cuddling the toy version of you on the couch. The second he saw you though he got up, threw the toy to the side and gestured for you to come cuddle with him. You happily obliged and you two cuddled for hours before you told him you had a project to work on.

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