Nate's catch up

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The meeting:   You were walking home, it was dark a new moon not a star in sight and the city just had a power outage so you had a flashlight in hand from your jobs supply closet. As you were walking you heard a click and felt something against the back of your head "Hand over your wallet!" A voice demanded and you did so "Now the flashlight!" It commanded again and you did as told. The next thing you felt was the cold ground against your face and your pants start getting ripped off but was suddenly stopped as you heard a pained screamed behind you. You stood up and the flashlight was handed back to you in a way you couldn't see your savior along with your wallet handed back to you "Don't point it at me. Just turn and go home." A nice soothing voice commanded you and you nodded just relieved that who ever that was didn't get away with whatever they were about to do thanks to this stranger. You turned and ran home a few blocks away unlocking your door and entering just as the power came on making you feel safe again. The next day the news was on showing a dead guy brutally mutilated and it happened on the same street you were mugged and nearly well.

Hanging out: You went to the coffee shop early in the morning to get (y/f/cof) and while waiting in line you spotted a tall brunette outside well actually three of them. One had side burns and an orange jacket on, the other had this olive greenish hoodie with a blue hood and blue stripes with the green on the sleeves and the third was the one you took exceptional notice in. He had this black sleeveless hoodie on, his hair covered his left eye and was tied in a small ponytail in the back, ripped black jeans on and a paw print for a tattoo on his hand. A few minutes of staring later he got up and came inside getting behind you in line and you tried not look back not knowing if he caught you staring like a creep but suddenly he spoke first in a normal tone "You alright? You seem tense." And you looked back giving a nervous chuckle "Y-Yeah I-I'm fine your just uh...intimidating?" You replied. He seemed to smile a bit "Don't be nervous. I'm not gonna hurt you. People say I'm actually a Teddybear apparently." He joked but you could tell it was just a joke and there was no truth behind it. You stood in line for what felt like hours getting to know this man and by the end of it you had a time and place you were gonna "Hang out again".

When he realizes he's crushing (His POV):   As soon as Y/N walked away I grabbed our coffee and went right back outside to Tim and Toby "There you are wtf took you so long?" Tim asked but I didn't give my usual attitude back "Not my fault it's a busy day in there." I replied watching y/n walk. "D-Dude what are you staring it?" Toby asked looking back with a slight twitch but couldn't tell which person I was staring at "Nothing don't worry about it just met someone in there with more pureness then I could ever imagine in a teenager his age." I replied. That was a blatant lie though it wasn't the first time I've seen y/n l/n and it certainly wouldn't be the last if I played my cards right and kept my secret hidden but I learned everything about him I need to that night when our hands brushed together. His name, personality, address, date of birth, favorite food, favorite color, favorite holiday and his sexuality along with where he stood on the scale of if he were to go to heaven or hell if he died. He was beautiful and pure and mine.

He confesses and asks you out: You two were hanging out at the coffee shop like you had planned and he paid for everything even everytime you ordered more he immediately paid for it "Y-You don't have to pay for my stuff." You stuttered shyly and he smiled "Yeah but I like you. So why wouldn't I pay for your stuff and win you over?" He replied. You were now blushing and looked away with your coffee "Y-You like me?" You questioned and he chuckled "Yeah. Who wouldn't?" He replied taking a drink. You looked at him trying to be confident but it was so hard when he was taller and stronger then you "T-Then be my boyfriend!" You tried to state sternly but there was a slight squeak in your voice mid sentence "I was just about to ask you that. But yeah I'll be your boyfriend." He smiled as he took your now free hand.

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