Jason the Toymaker Catchup:

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(Suggested by horrorfam24! Hope you enjoy!)

How you met: You were walking home after school and walked by a toy shop. You stopped immediately and went inside because you wanted a toy. Yes you may be in college but who cares not you. You are still a child at heart and loved toys. When you walked in the cashier greeted you and you were now stunned. He had shoulder length red hair, honey yellow eyes and a bright charming smile. "Hello there!" He said "H-Hi!" You said back stunned. "You know I made all of these toys!" He stated honestly "Really?" You asked amazed and he nodded. You started dashing around the store looking at all the toys he had made. He chuckled at your excitement. Oh that sexy hot chuckle it made you hot and embarrassed at your childishness around him. You looked at your watch after a little while "Oh look at the time I must be going! But I will be back soon!" You stated. "Have a good night!" He stated as you left the store and you constantly reminded yourself to go back.

Hanging out: You went back to the toy shop the next day and you properly introduced yourselves. He told you his name was Jason and you thought it was wonderful name. He was so kind and even let you work behind the cash register with him as an after school job. When you had to go you said your good byes and off you went.

He realizes he's crushing-His POV: I was tending to the toy shop with y/n and something about him makes me feel odd. It feels like he's different than the rest of my "friends" that I've had. Could this be the love I've been missing? No Jason don't think like that! He'll leave you just like the others. But I don't want to turn him into a doll....he's already perfect for me.

He confesses and asks you out: I walked into the toy shop where Jason greeted me with a toy. It looked exactly like me if I was a toy doll. "Y/N will you be my significant other?" He asked me and I froze. "Yes...." I breathed "YES I WILL!" I repeated excitedly and he embraced me in his arms.

First Kiss:   Jason was teaching me how to make toys and it was a difficult process to teach me. But when I finally got it he bent down and pecked my lips. "I love you!" He sighed happily and I kindly returned his peck standing on my tippy-toes "I love you too!" I replied. We continued making toys until bed in which he carried me to bed.

First date and when he gets jealous: Jason took you to a fair for your first date and you were so excited. You obviously wanted to win prizes which Jason happily helped you with. But there was one game stand that threw your date off. As you approached the stand you noticed a cute guy running the booth but you didn't care you already had a sexy boyfriend. However this guy didn't see Jason like that and let it be known. "Hey there cutie!" He stated to you "Hello!" You replied back cheerfully and what you didn't know was Jason changing right next to you. "Why don't you come back here and help me run the stand~?" The guy asked with a wink and Jason lost his calmness. "HE IS MINE!" Jason exclaimed punching the guy in the jaw "Don't look at him, don't speak to him and stay the hell away from him!" He continued. Jason then grabbed your hand and took you home with your prizes.

When you meet his friend: You asked Jason if you could meet a friend of his and he agreed hesitantly. He introduced you to his friends CandyPop and CandyCane which were both blue haired jesters. You guys had fun, played games, and watched movies. All and All you had an amazing time and couldn't wait to see them again.

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