When you meet his friend:

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Jeff: Jeff wanted you to meet his friend Ben and you reluctantly told him he could come over. You honestly didn't want two killers in your house but he promised he was bringing his boyfriend. When Ben arrived with his boyfriend you realized it was your best friend. "Y/N!" He shouted "(BENS BOYFRIENDS NAME!)" You shouted back. So while you and Bens Boyfriend talked Jeff and Ben stared at you guys confused.

Jack:   Jack wanted you to meet his friend seedeater and promised you wouldn't be hurt. All jack did was toss a seed and shouted "SEEDEATER!" Before a quick hunched over figure raced towards you guys. It was a very interesting day for you.

Masky and Hoodie:  Tim introduced you to his friend Brian and his boyfriend. What you didn't know is the conversation Tim had with them when you went to the bathroom. "Don't mention anything about killing! Either of you!" Tim told them sternly just before you came back from the bathroom. You thought something was off but ignored it and had a great day.

Ben: I mean read Jeff's scenario plain it's simple on how that went.

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