What you like about him

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Jeff: You love that he's protective. If it even seems like someone might harm you he'll step in and scare the person off. Oh and bully's get a special visit from him.

Jack: He's very helpful and you absolutely love it. If your having a hard time in school he'll help you, if your injured at all he'll fix it and nurse you back to good health.

Masky: Lovable in more ways than one. He'll cuddle with you, kiss you when your feeling down and make food for you before you get home and even clean the house with you.

Hoodie: He's stern and very secretive but you love it. Trying to break those secrets gives something to do in your free time and his stern personality is easily breakable for you.

Ben: He's a gamer and doesn't mind that your shy. He's always trying to help you get over your social anxiety and always playing games with you.

Jason: He's a very kind and gentle person due to your smaller frame. He's always a gentleman for you and gifting you new toys. Yes you may have to give some away but it's the thought that counts.

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