Harry Potter AU

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A/N: this request is by Dragonposeidon who wants a Mirabel didn't receive a gift because she's a witch and on her 11 birthday with Minerva McGonagall being there to explain.

I have only read the first 2 books so my accusation of the series is going by the Wiki info.

Ok the Harry Potter series takes place from 1991-1998, and Encanto in Canon timeline it takes place in 1950 (more or less) so there not going to be the Golden Trio here. Mirabel will goes to Hogwarts in 1946 (one year after Voldemort leaves) if you guys want me to write this fix we're she meets the Golden Trio let me know.

EDIT: I'm not going to write more of this AU. Nor will I take request for this AU. Fuck JK Rowling for being antisemitism and transphobic.


Mirabel Madrigal doesn't have a gift. That's a given. The sky blue, the sun sets, Pepa can't control her emotion for the life of her, Isabela is Alma's favorite and Mirabel doesn't have a gift.

That's what everyone believes. Mirabel and her family included. That was before her 11 birthday. On that day everything the Madrigal family know flip upside down.

It was in the early afternoon two things happen. 1 a door appear were there wasn't one. It show a carving of Mirabel holding a wand, and wearing a scarf and a pointy witch hat. In the background was a outline of a castle. The second thing was a knock on Casita's door. Mirabel ran to the door and open it. Was somewhere needed her Mommy's food? Did Luisa need her to open the door? Mirabel open the door to a old women. A old white women that wore a black point hat and a dark green velvet robe.

"Hello there. Is this the Madrigal household?" The mystery lady ask. Mirabel went still, she never met this lady and she didn't know what to do when meeting a stranger, much less a strange at your door.

"MOMMY! Someone here!" She yelled. Panicking. The lady went wide-eye and frantic, "no no no no no. It's ok! Please calm down." The lady said. Julieta arrive to the door, "what's going on here?"

"Oh. Hello, I'm looking for the Madrigal family."

"That's us, are you hurt?"

"No Ma'am. But I would like to talk you about Mirabel Madrigal."


Two hours later the whole family was gather in the living room, drink fancy foreign tea. The lady, Professor Minerva McGonagall of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry was here to take little Mirabel to train to be a witch.

Mirabel. Gift-less Mirabel. Has. Magic.

It took a lot, a lot of explaining, showing and even creating magic in front of the family to even consider letting Mirabel go. If Mirabel left she would be the first person, the first Madrigal to leave their Encanto. (Well, second but no one talks about Bruno.) After what seems like ages Mirabel's parents and Abuela agree to let her go. Only after the check out the school and this "Diagon Alley" place. In person. If Julieta can't see it in person then Mirabel won't go. Her baby, her youngest will be by herself, Julieta needs to make sure she's safe.

Thankfully Minerva agreed. "While we're there we can go shopping for Mirabel's school supplies. Our  schools starts in September, so she'll be attending then. But it's better to gather her things now then during the rush." Minerva explained, excited. The reason why no one seems to found about the Madrigal family was because their magic is Ancient Magic! A whole land and house created out of love and sacrifice of a family member. It's both poetic sad and hopeful. But since the Madrigal family literally started from this Ancient Magic it wasn't on the England magic radar.

Minerva desperately wished that the Madrigal family could have attended Hogwarts, it would be wonder to see the Madrigals become a Ancient House. Maybe Mirabel could start it? Whatever the case Mirabel's magic was detected my with the "Casita" nor by the England standard. But when Minerva did a body scan to see if the Girl has magic or just a Muggle, she was suprise to see the girl was tons of magic, it was just dormant. How odd...I wonder if all Muggles have magic but can't access them since it's dormant... Minerva thought.

2 hours later Mirabel got all the supplies she ever need or wants. Even a owl to communicate with her family as well as a Familiar. A baby spectacled bear cub. Minerva explain to the family about owl and how to communicate with their daughter, how to let magical people into their Encanto, and how to protect them from both non-magic and magical beings.


Oh September 1 Mirabel wave goodbye to her family, tears in her eyes. This was the second time out of the Encanto, and the first time in a train. It was both scary and exciting. Her whole family even left the Encanto just to make sure Mirabeau was ok. Luckily the family's gifts still works outside of the Encanto. Isabela made Mirabel a flower-crown, flowers with lavender and jasmine and other calming plants to help her.

Once the train left the station Mirabel sat by herself and cry. She already miss her family. Once the train finally came to the school Mirabel grab her things and Corazón, her baby bear. The little bear cling onto Mirabel's shoulders, asleep.  Once inside the giant castle Mirabeau was start-stuck.

An hours later after watching a magical alive hat that sings and talk call out children name and sorts them into "houses" Mirabel's name was finally called.

"Mirabel Madrigal!"

Mirabel ran up to the stoll and the hat was gently place onto her head.



Oh, umm...mi nombre es el sombrero seleccionador? The hat answer in a questioning tone as if it was unsore of it pronouns the words right. Mirabel giggled.

Hmmm. Puedes hablar ingles? Puedes entender el ingles?

Yes I can understand you. Somehow.

Good. Good. I'm going to place you into one of the four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or lastly Slytherin. Now usually I put children into house that is opposite of their personality, to help them grow and get out of their comfort zone. It works 50/50 of the time. You however, I know we're to put you.

Really? Why?

Well you see I can read your memories, your a kind and sweet girl Mirabel, a bit sad though. I think you will do well in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff....Though I kind of want to put you in Slytherin, it would be fun to shake the status quo.....

Don't worry señor sombrero seleccionador I think you'll do what's best.

The hat chuckled "in that case....HUFFLEPUFF!"

After that the hat was taken off and Mirabel was point toward the Hufflepuff table. Once she got there she was greeted with hello's and hi's and friendly chatter. Mirabel smiled. she can't wait to write her family about this!

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